[wesbite][gallery] I need good screenshots help us build the gallery!

Home Forums PirateCraft Media [wesbite][gallery] I need good screenshots help us build the gallery!

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  • #59408
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    we have 5 years of screenshots, and I need help to get them all into one place, the gallery page.

    Each gallery is a simple wordpress page that I link too with a thumbnail on the gallery page, we have a lot of images scattered all around.

    Can I request that you all create your own imgur galleries and reply to this thread with them!

    I’m mostly looking for historic screenshots, group shots, event shots, and shader shots!

    If you have an idea for a gallery category please do reply!

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    Here are some of my old screenshots! 😄

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    sUbScRiBe To ShOcKErBoY686

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    Here’s a mix of some old/new screenshots. I’ll try to see if I have any that go further back.

    View post on imgur.com


    - Buildy Squad Leader
    - Governor of Vendigroth
    - Founder and Former Emperor of SPQR
    - Former Minister of Justice of the British Empire
    - Current Lord of the British Empire
    - Member of the Conservative Party in the BE Government

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    Here are some more screenshots! Enjoy!

    View post on imgur.com

    sUbScRiBe To ShOcKErBoY686

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