Welcome to SmartArse-Tuesday

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    All of ya swashbuckling teethgrinders think that ya know t’e ol’ Piratecraft server ins and outs ?!  Y’all think you are veterans and can summon any old wisdom of ye server in yer noggins.
    Well lets put that to a test , let’s do it !!
    I hereby introduce the SmartArse Tuesday mini game. !! Every Tuesday at about 23:00 GMT I will ask a question about the server’s stats in game.

    Answers will need to put in #general discord chat. A full 5 minutes will be available to enter your best guess (don’t enter several guesses, just edit your 1st msg ).

    Whoever is closest will win the individually named Filthy SmartArse Bow . It comes equipped with some SmartArse HeartPiercers which you can use to shoot any not-so-smartarse to rub it in their noses that you are a true knowitall !

    I thank you for taking your valuable time to read this to it’s end.

    Cheers, Baz

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    Proud Member of the Piratecraft history 🙂


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    We need a wiki page of things like this

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