website pfp changed randomly

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    It’s me, Astro, speaking from the realm of the banned (they have great wifi here btw). Hope you all are doing well. For once I am making a post that is not an attempt to get unbanned (although I wouldn’t be opposed to someone unbanning me anyways :P)

    I logged into my account on the website today and noticed my profile picture changed to some sort of… green thing? I really don’t know what to call it, but you can see it here I haven’t changed it myself and I didn’t find anything when skimming through the forums, so I’m just wondering if this is a known bug or some sort of April Fool’s thing that I’m just late to noticing or if I should be concerned about my account security


    P.S. on the off chance that I am the only one seeing this, yes I am being completely serious and it legitimately looks like this when I view it

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
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    I did this on purpose, it’s a default avatar for those that never set one.

    Previously it tried to load a Minecraft skin based off username but it broke and I couldn’t figure out how to fix it. As theres 2 seperate default avatar function’s that don’t work together, so I’m using the built in gravatar one that generates random monsters for people that don’t set their avatar.

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    I did this on purpose, it’s a default avatar for those that never set one. Previously it tried to load a Minecraft skin based off username but it broke and I couldn’t figure out how to fix it. As theres 2 seperate default avatar function’s that don’t work together, so I’m using the built in gravatar one that generates random monsters for people that don’t set their avatar.

    Ah ok that makes sense, thanks for clearing that up. I must say, these are probably the most creative default avatars I’ve ever seen lol, I think I might just keep it this way rather than uploading my head


    Best wishes,


    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

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    Haha, these pfp are insanely good.

    Current DDoSer

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    I have never heard Profile Picture written as pfp before, so confusing.

    Usually called an Avatar.

    I did forget to do a changelog as I’m just finishing off some other bits too on the website!

    Anna Supova
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    I believe you did everything you could to solve this problem.

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