[website] Crew alliance network graph

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  • #54423
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    Based on this thread https://piratemc.com/topic/crew-allies-and-rivals-diagram/

    I loved the idea, it took a while to figure out how to export and format the data, then how to turn that into a graph and then how to create that into a working website you can search, click, zoom etc.

    At present I could only figure out how to show alliances on one graph, this is a massive learning curve, so I’m not even sure if its right.


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    Does the size of the (excuse my language) blotch have anything to do with the crew? I was wondering, not a nag, but is it supposed to be like crew size or something?

    *I also thought The Xanthian Order was allied to Plant Nation, :/

    Crazy Pirate
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    Its actually quite beautiful.

    I’m guessing the closer a crew is to the centre, the more allies it has? XD seem to be the server’s most loved crew 😉 <3

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    That graph is ridiculously hard to read unless you turn off the little triangle lines and individually select the crew. Also, does the physical location, colour and size of the circle matter? Because, as Crazy Pirate said, CD seems to be the largest, but I noticed a few smaller ones with similar colours.


    Great idea though. It should be implemented as a new tab on the website.

    This post that I posted on this post about something is probably useles information.............

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    That graph is ridiculously hard to read unless you turn off the little triangle lines and individually select the crew. Also, does the physical location, colour and size of the circle matter? Because, as Crazy Pirate said, CD seems to be the largest, but I noticed a few smaller ones with similar colours. Great idea though. It should be implemented as a new tab on the website.

    Thats why its interactive, there are over 250 crews… Yeah I don’t think thats going to fit on one page…. Like actually THINK about trying to fit that much data on one page. Glad I put the effort in.


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    I noticed a bunch of extra data that somehow got in there, cleaned that up, I also changed the colors, changed the physics on how it was generated.


    The Node colours denote their degree ranking, More connections darker they are and larger they are. Crews with no connections are shoved to the side.

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