Water bug

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  • #52143
    Yr mama
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    yesterday i tried to raid a Settlement the guys inside where shooting us

    whith a bow so i jumped in the water but when i tried to come out of the water i couldnt get out


    and i eventualiteit died ] :

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    This would be a problem with our anticheat plugin. We’re still trying to find a solution as to why it is so buggy, but we havent found one just yet. Try to record to situation that caused the glitching in the water and submit it as a report here on the forums. GodsDead can then forward those videos to the developers of the plugin to hopefully find a fix to the glitchiness.

    Death to da Brits
    Death to da Elves
    Death to da Fruits

    Heck..Death to Everyone 😀

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    Do exactly as JUSA says, record a video of it happening and a way to reproduce and we can report it and get it fixed.

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