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  • #53728
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    I know this is technically spam, and if a mod deems it worthy of getting deleted or whatever, so be it.

    But I thoroughly enjoyed this latest Content Cop instalment, and think its it one of the best episodes and videos iDubbbzTV has done in a long while. Enjoy. 🙂


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    I dont follow “Youtube Drama”, I barley even watch youtube, or even know who “Youtube celbs” are, but somehow I saw this on the front page of reddit yesterday and watched the entire thing, I have no idea who this dickhead “Ricgum” kid is, but holy hell is he an annoying piece of crap, how the hell do people watch him? hes such a twat! How does someone get that famous for being such a piece of crap? Such a good burn on this kid, that end dis track is amazing.

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    Fight PMC drama with Youtube drama


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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

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    Boi, you gotta watch more stuff like these guys.

    I think you’d enjoy h3h3productions, they’re a bit more mature, but there is a group of these people right now and they’re pretty entertaining so I’d recommend 🙂

    Either way, glad you enjoyed :))

    • Topics: 794
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    Boi, you gotta watch more stuff like these guys. I think you’d enjoy h3h3productions, they’re a bit more mature, but there is a group of these people right now and they’re pretty entertaining so I’d recommend ? Either way, glad you enjoyed :))

    bit more mature



    • Topics: 66
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    papa bless

    Image result for vape nation

    plus your a cool god.

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