Was griefed slightly

Home Forums Server Support Request Land Regeneration Was griefed slightly

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  • #81274
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    My Username: CaptainLunarCat
    Coordinates: <10415 68 -782, 10386 59 -803>
    Approximate Regen radius: <75×75>
    Reason: Someone blew up around my base and I don’t have enough sand to fill it all in
    (opt) Map link: https://map.piratemc.com/survival#PirateCraft_1;surface;10376,64,-772;7
    (opt) Region ID: <r.20.-2.mca>

    sabrina (lazydog11)
    • Topics: 11
    • Replies: 674
    • Total: 685
    • ★★★★★★

    hi i fixed some holes for you!!

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