Wadsworth,InventorJohn STOP

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    ok guys stop the leafy greens and rice stuff your clogging up the fourm
    you can do this stuff in game plz can you guys just drop it

    I eat crayons with my eyes...
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    King of Scoryenthea
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    and john thats harsh insulting rice saying that its grown from china and its cheap.

    I eat crayons with my eyes...
    Never put marbles in ur nose it hurts
    King of Scoryenthea
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    But labor in China is cheap. And also I know rice is grown in other countries too. It’s just that most of it comes from China.

    John Archaius - The Inventor whose machines usually blow up.

    Crazy Pirate
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    Seriously, the both of you, stop. This is so stupid, it’s clogging up the forums. You keep creating a new topic every time you want to write three lines! It’s getting insane now, stop, before someone makes you. -_-

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    “I declare war to Ricey BS” By Wadsworth , then “We will fight bla bla bla” by inventorjohn, when I return to the server, I’ll make sure both of you get a good beating 😀


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    <i> </i>lol so @geralt and @crazypirate1 you guys realize I did this to emphasize and satarize how noon groups clog up the forum, right? I saw how many groups jhon was starting and thought it was really redundant, so I thought I’d make one to be funny and help him see this, then he started the war and I was like “hey I could help spread a message through this” but as of late yeah, things have gotten out of hand, I just expected a small noon clash but I have been worrying about clogging the forums, as for you Phoenix I hope this helped explain at least why this was happening on my end, and why it’s gonna stop.

    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
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    The Queen
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    I like you both but wtf..


    i come on last night to see a reply gods made to a post and I can’t SEEE IT! Causing me to go look through pages of forum post just to find it because you guys had useless stuff like the leafy greens

    I DONT EVEN LIKE THEM! So please just keep that in your group


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    I’ll start doing things in moderation.

    John Archaius - The Inventor whose machines usually blow up.

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    So let me get this straight. Your way of asking people to stop clogging the forums is to play along in their terrible game? Great job buddy you passed off the entire server.



    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
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    Crazy Pirate
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    I’ll start doing things in moderation.

    Just stop, full stop.

    This is so stupid, I think you should both disband/delete both crews. They serve no purpose, and have rightfully pissed us all off.

    you guys realize I did this to emphasize and satarize how noon groups clog up the forum, right? I saw how many groups jhon was starting and thought it was really redundant, so I thought I’d make one to be funny and help him see this, then he started the war and I was like “hey I could help spread a message through this” but as of late yeah, things have gotten out of hand, I just expected a small noon clash but I have been worrying about clogging the forums, as for you Phoenix I hope this helped explain at least why this was happening on my end, and why it’s gonna stop.

    You created spam to highlight how much spam we were all getting? Please, enlighten me as to how this helps? Why didn’t you just create a post like this one, so the rest of us didn’t have to scroll back through crap to find important threads, that actually make a difference.

    Not to sound like a condescending schoolteacher, but you both should be thoroughly ashamed of yourselves. I hope you’ve both learnt never to do this again, because it has severely ruined your reputation as sensible players. I’m all for a little bit of banter, but this was just childish and frustrating.

    I think you should create one final forum topic in the meantime, and I hope to hell you use it to apologise to the community for wasting their time and for generally making a mockery of our forums with your spam.


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    my god.. I thought ultracreeper was annoying with how many times he posted.. -___-“

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
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    nah @everyone essentialy I put a target on my back and said “hey this is what others do” essentially myrtering myself, but yeah essentially it was a bad idea, and thats kiiiiinda why its stopping

    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
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    I wondered what all that was on the forum, I still don’t get it. But listen to your fellow pirates and stop the shenanigans!

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