/vote roulette requests!

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  • #3440
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    At present the /vote roulette prizes are a little dry, this is a prate server, and I think we need some crazy “prizes” and some even more “crazy” changes to end not so well! we have a jail at the moment, but the “bullet” could be any command, @Unic0rnjunk101 suggested 20 sheep to spawn around the user, what other goodies/end games could we do? any command =D

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    spawn an already very damaged anvil above the player? 😮

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    Exploding sheep if possible to use @p instead of coords


    /summon Creeper ~ ~ ~ {ActiveEffects:[{Id:14,Duration:999999,Ambient:1}],Riding:{id:Sheep}}

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

    Crazy Pirate
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    Sheep called dinner bone, which change colour.

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    I have two new prizes that I would enjoy if they were added 🙂


    For the negative prize, the player gets placed in a torture chamber and a public broadcast is made that the player is in the torture chamber.  There could be a public warp to the chamber and players (not in the chamber) could jump on pressure plates to spawn mobs, shoot arrows, or throw potions/food at the player >:D

    The fun prize would be the pirate gets the ability to build a cannon (I think the maximum of 2 cannons for non-donating players is sort of derpy.  It is a pirate server.. MORE CANNONS! 😀


    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

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    Love it, Lets make a torture chamber at the cove, the warp already exists, and we would just need to set a new jail in the “chamber”, It’s going to need a name! Maybe It could be in the design of Gallows.

    The cannons one is a little difficult to achieve, since permissions to build cannons are limited to the Gunner rank, It could be that you win a kit of some sorts, like a special “vote roulette” kit, what would be in it?

    Crazy Pirate
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    Two things: Negative one is that your hot bar is emptied. The positive one is diamonds!

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    I like diamonds… raining a few diamonds would he great. “Make it rain!”

    @Tom if the cannon thing won’t work. Then mebbe a prize kit withh 8 firecharges and 8 tnt could be put in place. 1 tnt prize isn’t enough 😀 this reward could be named something like Demolition Time or something…


    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

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