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    @MrClusterFluxin – Thank you for agreeing that your bounty should be claimed away from Templar properties 🙂 – Means a lot to the crew, I can tell you that for sure! 🙂

    – You’re confusing “good” with “skilled”. Granted, Keemster is a Templar. That much cannot be denied. However, Keemster’s action are his own, as are the actions of any Templar member. As such, you cannot blame the crew for the actions of its individuals. Yes, what Keemster did may have been low, but he is a skilled player, and is therefore deserving of a position within the ranks of the Templar crew.

    Please understand, everyone, that the Templars as a crew do stick together, and therefore may defend Keemster and his bounty as we see fit. It is nothing personal against any members. We look after our own, as any crew would be expected to.

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    @Chailey Could you clarify me the second part of your comment, please? I could have misunderstood something. If you defend their lives from someone willing to revenge for a morally low action, aren’t you approving that action and helping the one who committed it to escape his fate? The fact that every member’s action is on their own but you all stick togheter is also another point which I didn’t really understand. The Templars as crew cannot be blamed for the actions of an individual, but if the individual is still kept in the group, then can I say, for example, that a “Templar” committed a specific low act towards somebody? Am I not using the “Templar” status for a man who did bad moves? Doesn’t the Templar status represent the Templars crew? Could I expect, then, that sometimes somedody, a random member of the Templars could show low behaviour in an encounter, considering the fact that in this case the one who did it remained stable and safe in it’s position?

    Thank you

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    Personally I refrain from killing people that tp/tpahere me. However, this is pirate server and everyone has their own standards.

    For the purposes of clarity, the Templar Charter states that:

    ‘Raiding “Neutral” crews is at member discretion.’ 

    This is a PVP server, and thus any crew which is not allied to the Templars is liable to be raided by any of our members should they wish it. Templar rivals can expect coordinated and regular attacks made against them, whereas allies will enjoy a peaceful relationship. Should any crew wish to ally with the Templars, they can post on the Templar Embassy group or message us ingame.


    ~ Former Admiral in the British Empire ~
    ~ Founder of Phantom ~
    ~ Co-Founder of Templars ~
    ~ Original owner of HMS Sovereign (Phantom Sovereign) ~

    Blu Pearson
    • Topics: 43
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    • Total: 195
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    This bounty is officially closed as of 8/19/2016.

    Due to new circumstances this bounty is no longer available and will not be paid if you try to collect. Diplomacy has prevailed, balance restored, and a fresh start is to be had.

    Thank you and remember “Friends don’t let fiends TP kill”<b></b><i></i><u></u>

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