(Video) Battle on the High Seas

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    Here is the video footage from 12/27/16 when the server had a ship battle. I had a lot of fun editing and participating and hope we can do more things like this in the future.


    Hope you enjoy,



    A endermite kicked my ass

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    Great video Jammin! Cool shot at 2:17! Can’t wait to do this again 🙂

    ~ Former Admiral in the British Empire ~
    ~ Founder of Phantom ~
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    ~ Original owner of HMS Sovereign (Phantom Sovereign) ~

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    This is awesome! And now I know how the narwhal got its face destroyed

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
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    Mas, that event was amazing – also love the video, I didn’t really see it myself out there in the mess. If you read the ally chat you will se me trying to understand basic orders from browe – that didn’t go very well 😛

    Such a cool event should really be arranged again soon! 😉

    Blu Pearson
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    Looked like a ton of fun. That’s the piratecraft spirit. A mess o ships and subs maneuvering around exploding each other out of the sea.

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    My favorite part had to be when @Lithvather was hiding in the Sovereigns captains quarters, watching him peak through the windows was hilarious!

    A endermite kicked my ass

    The Queen
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    Spectacular job! That is why we all play! The Pirates as usual fight over the loot as empires try to keep the Pirates at bay!

    I loved it. It had me smiling so hard because that is what I think we all want!! Again great, when I finish Gondolin and a canal in that region you may see some Elven ships on the horizon 🙂

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    This is sooo good! this is what PirateCraft is! I love it!

    We need a list of all videos made on piratecraft on the Wiki or something, and get them all on one channel!

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    This was great. Taulov has a video from the BE ship that shows me getting wiped out by a cannon shot, Epic!

    Can i suggest something… Is it possible we turn this into a type of ‘kit’ event? Where for an organised event a ship is kitted to the elected captains of participating crew reps for the battle? I know this detracts from the effort gone into creating a nice looking ship but for the purposes of getting them smashed up most people just leave them parked in a claim forever instead. Should greatly increase the fun aspect and participation.

    Has its pros and cons but just an idea.

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    This is sooo good! this is what PirateCraft is! I love it! We need a list of all videos made on piratecraft on the Wiki or something, and get them all on one channel!

    I’ll work on putting them on the wiki.

    « Build Team leader »
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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

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    Subs should have a cannon on the top so that no more than 10% of the vessel would need to be revealed in combat.

    John Archaius - The Inventor whose machines usually blow up.

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    ik the video for the music, very nicely done jammin


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    Someone please write this up in the Piratecraft News haha


    « Build Team leader »
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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

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    Here is the video from the BE ship by Taulov.

    Andrew Morawski
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    How do you go underwater in a sub?

    “We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.”

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