Updated Per chunk entity limiter – An explanation of trial and error testing
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- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 5 years ago by
March 3, 2020 at 10:29 am #65097
So people are misunderstanding the process of trail and error, if you do not understand please read the example.
How Trial and error works with something like testing Mob spawns based on Monsters/Water, Activation ranges in Farms and then Mob limiting per chunks;
I’m trying to learn how these 3 variables all affect farms, which requires trial and error as its so badly implemented by Minecraft.
To test things like the activation range, will entirely depend on the design of each users farm,so requires setting it low and flying around and taking note of numbers based on mobs being removed in the entity manger, absolutely tedious.
Then if its too low in certain designs increase the activation range +1, wait for reboot and test it again.
On paper you should be able to stand in a farm with 3 chunks activation range (which is 48 blocks) happily, but on paper is entirely different to in-game which explains the trial and error of having to stand around.The way the limiter works with this, is it despawns mobs and tells me on screen how many have been despawned, so I get actual numbers to work with, so if i’m in a chunk and it says 38 mobs cleaned up and I have it set on 2, I know from where i’m standing (activation range) that chunk is loading 40 mobs in that range as its reporting ones its cleaned up.
This gives Actual numbers, which will not work if its set high (Or infinite as it was set)
So then I can move to a new location and see if its the same, if its not then its the activation range, or if its too low then I know that the spawning needs to go back up, make sense?
The permission for showing this message has been added to everyone, but its not working apparently and the developer isnt replying, he also has not replied to my request to show the mob names in the message.
The changelog I posted 7 months ago with the limits for mobs to be spawned per chunk has changed, and will continue to change so no hard limits can be set in stone on the website/in-game, so this is an update of where we are at.
Refresh yourself https://piratemc.com/2019/08/12/the-new-chunk-entity-mob-limiter/
As a recap from 7 months ago for those that didnt bother reading:
The following items are ignored from the Automatic Chunk cleaner
- Armour stands with items on them
- Entities with equipment (I you die and a mob picks up your items)
- Item frames have things in them
- Tamed animals will be ignored
- Named animals will be ignored
- Animals with a saddle will be ignored
- Baby animals are ignored
NOTE: a Chunk is 16×16 blocks, read what a chunk is, people are still getting confused on what a chunk is in minecraft
if you press F3 + G you can see chunk boundaries in game, this should be common knowledge.
What can we actually change technically for mob “spawning”, well here are the configs so you can see exactly.
Entire of the default Minecraft server settings for monster control, Good job mojang!
But the Minecraft default server was forked into “Bukkit” which added some options.
bukkit.yml improves on this by adding spawn limits at least, but all mobs are grouped “water-animals” and “monsters”, A guardian is a monster.
spawn-limits: monsters: 20 animals: 10 water-animals: 3 ambient: 8 ticks-per: animal-spawns: 400 monster-spawns: 5 autosave: 6000
But that wasn’t enough control, so the Bukkit server was forked into Spigot server.
Spigot.yml adds mob spawn range, entity-activation-range, and entity-tracking-range, bonus farm settings included.
mob-spawn-range: 3 growth: cactus-modifier: 100 cane-modifier: 100 melon-modifier: 100 mushroom-modifier: 100 pumpkin-modifier: 100 sapling-modifier: 100 wheat-modifier: 100 netherwart-modifier: 100 vine-modifier: 100 cocoa-modifier: 100 entity-activation-range: animals: 6 monsters: 24 misc: 3 water: 3 tick-inactive-villagers: true entity-tracking-range: players: 48 animals: 24 monsters: 24 misc: 16 other: 24
Spigot was still too restricted for server owners, so paper was born which is a fork of Spigot.
paper.yml gives us a few more mobs/spawner options
https://paper.readthedocs.io/en/latest/server/configuration.html (This is the latest version for 1.16.4 we use an old settings for 1.12.2)
spawner-nerfed-mobs-should-jump: false mob-spawner-tick-rate: 20 max-mob-spawn-attempts: 250 max-entity-collisions: 2
This still is not enough control over mob spawns, so then comes in Mob limiter which removes mobs once they are spawned, this is a plugin.
Mob Limiter settings.
Now onto the current config settings. (-1 is infinite)
EntityGroups: Animals: Use: true Limit: 30 List: - Pig - Cow - Horse - Rabbit - Sheep - Chicken - Mushroom Cow Worlds: [] Monsters: Use: true Limit: 30 List: - Zombie - Skeleton - Slime - Creeper - Cave Spider - Spider Worlds: [] Nether: Use: true Limit: 30 List: - Blaze - Magma Cube - Zombie Pigman Worlds: [] End: Use: true Limit: 30 List: - Enderman Worlds: [] # # This list is automatically filled with ALL possible entities in game, so some of them can just not work until future update # If you not sure what is that entity, then keep it at -1 limit, to not limit its spawning EntityTypes: DROPPED_ITEM: Use: true Limit: -1 # Defines limits by specific worlds # If world is not defined then default limit will be used # If world is provided then we will ignore default limit and will use provided for this specific world WorldLimit: PirateCraft_1: -1 PirateCraft_1_nether: -1 PirateCraft_1_the_end: -1 EXPERIENCE_ORB: Use: true Limit: -1 AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD: Use: true Limit: -1 ELDER_GUARDIAN: Use: true Limit: 2 WITHER_SKELETON: Use: true Limit: 10 STRAY: Use: true Limit: 20 EGG: Use: true Limit: -1 LEASH_HITCH: Use: true Limit: -1 PAINTING: Use: true Limit: -1 ARROW: Use: true Limit: -1 SNOWBALL: Use: true Limit: -1 FIREBALL: Use: true Limit: -1 SMALL_FIREBALL: Use: true Limit: -1 ENDER_PEARL: Use: true Limit: -1 ENDER_SIGNAL: Use: true Limit: -1 SPLASH_POTION: Use: true Limit: -1 THROWN_EXP_BOTTLE: Use: true Limit: -1 ITEM_FRAME: Use: true Limit: -1 WITHER_SKULL: Use: true Limit: -1 PRIMED_TNT: Use: true Limit: -1 FALLING_BLOCK: Use: true Limit: -1 FIREWORK: Use: true Limit: 5 HUSK: Use: true Limit: 10 SPECTRAL_ARROW: Use: true Limit: -1 SHULKER_BULLET: Use: true Limit: -1 DRAGON_FIREBALL: Use: true Limit: -1 ZOMBIE_VILLAGER: Use: true Limit: 10 SKELETON_HORSE: Use: true Limit: 2 ZOMBIE_HORSE: Use: true Limit: 10 ARMOR_STAND: Use: true Limit: 10 DONKEY: Use: true Limit: 0 MULE: Use: true Limit: 0 EVOKER_FANGS: Use: true Limit: -1 EVOKER: Use: true Limit: 10 VEX: Use: true Limit: 10 VINDICATOR: Use: true Limit: 10 ILLUSIONER: Use: true Limit: 10 MINECART_COMMAND: Use: true Limit: -1 BOAT: Use: true Limit: 10 MINECART: Use: true Limit: 30 MINECART_CHEST: Use: true Limit: 10 MINECART_FURNACE: Use: true Limit: 10 MINECART_TNT: Use: true Limit: 10 MINECART_HOPPER: Use: true Limit: 10 MINECART_MOB_SPAWNER: Use: true Limit: 10 CREEPER: Use: true Limit: -1 SKELETON: Use: true Limit: -1 SPIDER: Use: true Limit: -1 GIANT: Use: true Limit: 3 ZOMBIE: Use: true Limit: -1 SLIME: Use: true Limit: -1 GHAST: Use: true Limit: -1 PIG_ZOMBIE: Use: true Limit: -1 ENDERMAN: Use: true Limit: -1 CAVE_SPIDER: Use: true Limit: -1 SILVERFISH: Use: true Limit: 10 BLAZE: Use: true Limit: -1 MAGMA_CUBE: Use: true Limit: -1 ENDER_DRAGON: Use: true Limit: 1 WITHER: Use: true Limit: 10 BAT: Use: true Limit: 10 WITCH: Use: true Limit: 10 ENDERMITE: Use: true Limit: 10 GUARDIAN: Use: true Limit: 2 SHULKER: Use: true Limit: 10 PIG: Use: true Limit: -1 SHEEP: Use: true Limit: -1 COW: Use: true Limit: -1 CHICKEN: Use: true Limit: -1 SQUID: Use: true Limit: 15 WOLF: Use: true Limit: 5 MUSHROOM_COW: Use: true Limit: -1 SNOWMAN: Use: true Limit: 5 OCELOT: Use: true Limit: 5 IRON_GOLEM: Use: true Limit: 5 HORSE: Use: true Limit: -1 RABBIT: Use: true Limit: -1 POLAR_BEAR: Use: true Limit: 5 LLAMA: Use: true Limit: 0 LLAMA_SPIT: Use: true Limit: -1 PARROT: Use: true Limit: 10 VILLAGER: Use: true Limit: 25 ENDER_CRYSTAL: Use: true Limit: -1 LINGERING_POTION: Use: true Limit: -1 FISHING_HOOK: Use: true Limit: -1 LIGHTNING: Use: true Limit: -1 WEATHER: Use: true Limit: -1 PLAYER: Use: true Limit: -1 COMPLEX_PART: Use: true Limit: -1 TIPPED_ARROW: Use: true Limit: -1 UNKNOWN: Use: true Limit: -1
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