Updated Movecraft & Updated Dhow.

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    I updated movecraft to take advantage of some of its new features, I had to set it into a compatibility mode since its designed for 1.7.10 and we are running 1.7.9 because a few plugins don’t work with 1.7.10 still, mainly our live map.

    One of the new features is one I requested, That was to allow multiple blocks into the required blocks for building a ship, So I updated Dhow to test this out, Any type of wood including stairs should be classed as a required block now, so if you wanted you could make a boat completely out of stairs and wool.

    I have yet to update the /ships & website ship page, because I plan on doing this for all ships.

    Dhow required blocks are now 25% either 5 or 17 or 53 or 125 or 126 or 134 or 135 or 136 or 162 or 163 or 164 or 43:2 or 44:2. Before it was just block ID 5.

    This is actually a really low required percent, maybe I should bump it upto something like 50/60% Required wood.

    There is a new feature that lets you teleport back onto the ship with /manoverboard, This works for OP’s at present but not players as there is no documentation for the perms it uses, I have to wait for the devs to reveal this information.

    Ship Ideas to come:

    • Some form of exploding ship “Demolition Ship”, with cruise, and needs fuel to power it, and required TNT blocks, impact explodes and smokes/sinks.
    • Some form of Raft/Transport Ship that does not need sails but requires fuel and has cruise on, has chests allowed (unlike dhows) and can be controlled without needing to pilot it, so you could send it on its way via a sign only, this would be a slow ship with very limited blocks.


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    Those Demolition ships are a great idea actually!
    Here we call them branders (burners) and back in the day we used them very often 😀

    There’s a very important battle in Dutch history in which branders were used a lot.
    In 1639 Admiral Tromp fought against the Spanish near Kent, England.

    He sent the branders off towards the Spanish, who either paniced and run aground or were burned down.

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    I was thinking about a new ship feature, hellburner. Praticaly a suicide bombing.


    From wikipedia.org

    ” Hellburner were specialised fireships used in the Siege of Antwerp (1584-1585) during the Eighty Years’ War between the Dutch rebels and the Habsburgs. They were floating bombs, also called “Antwerp Fire”, and did immense damage to the Spanish besiegers. Hellburners have been described as an early form of weapons of mass destruction.<sup>”</sup><sup id=”cite_ref-2″ class=”reference”></sup>


    My idea was pretty much the same as your  “Demolition Ship”, only with a redstone trigger or it’s triggered when it hits something, like: Land, other ships, sandbars, etc. Sure they’ll have to be expansive, cost a lot of recourses to build. Hell a nice concept in-game wars/feuds.


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    Aaah, so much Dutch 🙂

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    **has dutchphobia ** runs away with super speed
    I like this idea for the ships but i can see that as being a possible issue with getting past griefprevention gonna need some testing lol

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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    Why should grief prevention be a problem? It’s already a siege function in-game already. I fright a griefing spree if the hellburner can pass grief prevention without lay the chunk under siege.

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    We’ll have to test it, but luckily another one of my Ideas is getting put into Movecraft.

    Detection of griefprevetion claims! https://github.com/msummers123/Movecraft-3/issues/34

    But back to the Demolition ship, we get to set the size of the explosion, so we could have different types and sizes, Like, we could have one that checks for Fire as a required block, so if its raining the ship would have to protect the fire etc.

    collisionExplosion: 4.0, An explosive value of 4.0 is roughly equivalent to TNT

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    what about my ironclad idea? :=(

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    There’s a game called age of mythology, I don’t know if anyone from here has played it but in the game there’s a ship that fires fire at other ships and land targets but has extremely short range. It was very powerful and would be cool to see in game.


    If it were to be added, it would be a somewhat small ship bit like a Schooner long and skinny but with moderate speed. And it’s fire attack could be a dispenser with a flint n steel inside it. Once fired with a button it would stretch out to about 15 blocks long and 3 blocks wide. Anything flammable like a ship would start to burn down after catching alight.


    i think this would be a cool idea to see and be added I reckon.

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    Like I said already adam, movecraft does not come with ways to do this, you can already do this in minecraft using dispensers & fire charges, I suggest you check out the Wiki http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Fire_Charge

    Sadly I have Dispensers disabled on boats at present due to grief problems.

    We already have this type of cannon that can set things on fire, if you shoot fireworks from a cannon it sets thing on fire, we could create a seperate cannon type that takes another type of projectile to set things on fire.

    As for the ironclad im not sure how movecraft reacts to lava, it can detect water & land, but there is no mention of lava, It would need testing first.

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    Iron clads would be cool on lava but i was refering to water , it having to need coal and iron is like wood on it, it moves very slow but has LOTS of health (if stone brick still sticks to ships i might test lava sailing in the nether with a dhow)

    also adam i think the byzatines had those ships and they used greek fire, which is a chemical that burns water (yes, it burns water) but nowadays we don’t know how to make it 🙁

    EDIT: also korean turtle ships had fire breathing dragon heads.

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    gods i have a quick question regarding the half slabs and stairs counting as wood blocks. couldn’t I exploit this change to double the wood percentage of my ships using two half slabs as one plank?

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    Maybe, I don’t see it being game breaking, See what differance it makes with a Dhow 🙂

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    i might do it to me own ship though 🙂

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    when will you make the other ships work the same way the dhows work?

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