Unban request (_Gorka_)

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  • #62008
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    Current Username: _Gorka_
    Username when banned: _Gorka_
    UUID: fd88c401-e4c4-4485-8786-b8bf13b5ad40
    Your punishment tracker link: https://bans.piratemc.com/index.php?action=viewplayer&player=_Gorka_&server=0
    Banned By: Maximus_Terragon

    (I’d like in advance to apologize for any grammar or syntax mistakes you could find in this post, i’m just a frenchie)

    Good morning/afternoon everyone,

    My name is Gorka, and I got banned from the server around a year ago for auto-relogging (that was to bypass afk kicks, to get money from claimblocks). I didn’t post an unban request until a year because I truly believe it was well deserved.

    In the span of one year, I had plenty of time to think of that mistake, and words can’t describe how much I regret doing that.

    The experience this server gives is unique,I can’t deny I felt a bit of loss without it and no other server could satisfy it anymore.

    If you care to give me a last chance to play among this wonderful community. I pledge to redeem myself in one way or another, not using any software to give myself unfair advantages sounds like an obvious first step.

    I feel like I no longer am the butthurt and complaining idiot who made a big mistake, I have changed and I’d like to prove it to you too.

    I am ready to rejoin PirateCraft.



    sabrina (lazydog11)
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    You have been ubanned! dont make the same mistakes, have fun and welcome back


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    @_Gorka_ I just got kicked for this by lazydog.

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