Unban request

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    Current Username: MoJake_69_420
    Username when banned: MoJake_69_420
    UUID: UUID 4cdb7765-1c47-4fd0-a7fd-3865f6d68e6f
    Your punishment tracker link: https://bans.piratemc.com/index.php?player=MoJake_69_420&server=0&action=searchplayer
    Banned By: Smokeyriver

    I got banned for 2 things, the first was toxic behavior and harassment, I did not harass anyone I did kill a lot of players that were in Rome but it was only for one day and I did not target anyone. The second thing is harassment of players and releasing private information (which depending on the degree is illegal in real life). Im assuming you are talking about the Instagram chat I made about President_B. It was fake and I did it because I thought it would be funny. It was meant to be a joke and they all thought it was funny until they decided to kick me from the crew and try to use it against me to get me banned.


    Pls unban me

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    Mojake, is threatening to post someones irl name and high school a joke as well?

    TitansHand sha'll never fall!

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    It never mentioned anything about what high school he goes to and his irl name is not a secret as everyone in Rome knows it because he gave us all his Instagram and his old minecraft username literally had his name in it. I did not share any info to them that they did not know already.

    Pls unban me

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    I don’t see how this is any form of justification :thinking: as someone who has had another person pose as myself on social media, I am disgusted at your idea of humor, and how you think those actions are at all by any means appropriate or acceptable. you should really be ashamed of yourself to consider any of this humorous, or appropriate. and anyone involved with this is no better. posing as another person on social media and posting disrespectful, demeaning or inappropriate content is disgusting behavior and you really should re-evaluate your life choices. I do hope you get some time to yourself to think about your actions and how they may have affected others.

    rant over. grow up, darlin.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

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    I did not pose as anyone else on social media?


    Pls unban me

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    If you actually take the time to read what I said I did not pretend to be someone else, It was supposed to be humorous as it was something that was never sent to someone on social media and it was a fake Instagram chat supposed to be a joke. I really do not know where you got me impersonating someone from and where Khanye got that I was threatening to post someones irl name and high school if you don’t mind showing where you got it that woudl be great because im a bit confused.

    Pls unban me

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    Mojake, just stop trying,

    The image is clearly not faked, it looks exactly like an instagram dm sent to someone. Without Photoshop (which you said you didn’t have in dms, see the first attachment), it would be quite difficult to fake it. You would have to make the background, the chat bubbles, the words in the correct font, perfect image formatting, etc. That is very difficult without good software like photoshop.

    Please provide some sort of proof that the image was faked. You are making a claim here with zero evidence, we already talked about this in our dms on discord: you tried to defend it with “innocent until proven guilty” and then when I did prove you guilty by visual evidence, you failed to come up with a response (see 2nd attachment) and claimed you had to go eat dinner. Don’t pull that “innocent until proven guilty” card because it doesn’t apply here, that is meant for defendants in a court case, and is not a loophole to make a claim without providing evidence or proof.

    Besides, when you doxxed President_B, you caused the same amount of damage as a “real” image would (assuming that you are telling the truth here, which you are obviously not). President_B told me and a few other Romans that he was legitimately scared to go back to school because of what you did.

    Serve your time, think about your actions and their effect on President_B, and maybe staff will let you appeal in a year or so.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Dragonlord of the Valyrian Freehold (VAL)
    Former High Capal of Military and Conquest in ROME
    fucking no life loser

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    Request denied for now. Come back in a month when things aren’t so fresh and we may consider this appeal again. We work hard to keep this game and real life separate, to protect the identities of the players here. Especially considering many here are minors. That being said, joking or not, if my child had been involved in this, the consequences would be the same. So take this into consideration: your actions are not unforgettable in the future, but you crossed a line. Sit and think about that for a while and how you can make sure this doesn’t happen again. Topic closed and resolved. TTYL.

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