Unban Request

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  • #60526
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    Current Username: DiamondTurtlez
    Username when banned: DiamondTurtlez
    UUID: 88dcad49-ec95-4a6f-be58-606f82dae4d5(You can get it from https://mcuuid.net/?q=username)
    Your punishment tracker link: http://bans.piratemc.com/
    Banned By: Lazydog11

    Unban Appeal

    So, yeah i xrayed to find ores in order to not only benefit myself but also to find balrugs, the nasty little silverfish things that drop loot…im sorry, i understand that its not fair to do that because its not fair to the players who play legit. i havent xrayed before and i feel pretty selfish at the moment and very very stupid because i Knew in my mind someone would watch me, there is always that one person who does it and i didnt listen to myself..

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    you were a little dipshit to a ton of people on the server and ontop of that you were hacking? fuck off

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    Ging, I wasent a dipshit to anyone..also it’s xraying not hacking

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    ging, just hush. youre not helping at all.

    anyways. DiamondTurtlez, i tried looking for your name in the punishment tracker and you didnt show up. either you mis-spelled your name, or your ban was so new it hasnt even registered. typically, xray bans are only accepted after 6 months. that wont guarantee an unban at exactly 6 months, but thats the time frame that any xray ban appeal is even considered.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

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    I made the appeal yesterday cysteen

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    well, sorry to say, xray appeals aren’t normally considered until at least 6 months have passed. staff can always change that, but this is how its been for a while, so id say your chances of appeal are quite slim :/

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

    sabrina (lazydog11)
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    DiamondTurtlez xray is a 6 months ban, after that you can make a unban request on the forum like you did above here. Hoop to see you back in 6 months time then with a new forum post.

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