Unban (Chailey read)

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    Current Username: SatireShadow
    Username when banned: SatireShadow
    UUID: UUID (You can get it from https://mcuuid.net/?q=username) 35b3a248-b4c9-48e6-8587-696c718cab23
    Your punishment tracker link: https://bans.piratemc.com/index.php?player=SatireShadow&server=0&action=searchplayer (Wasn’t added yet)
    Banned By: Chailey I believe

    Unban Appeal: So I was accused by many people for xraying because I mine a lot of diamonds I use fortune picks to mine them btw. I was being pvped and told to go eat dinner or I would be grounded by my parents when Chailey said do not log off or you will be banned. I then said that I will be grounded if I don’t so they said I advise you log off then post a appeal. I logged off now I’m posting my appeal and heres the proof I don’t have hacks I’m just going on a server to show the screenshots. I’m sorry I couldn’t do it right then I had to go and I really don’t want to be banned from piratemc for ever I’m a donor and wouldn’t xray.

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    Wtf that’s not even piratecraft…
    Nice try I guess…?

    Best worldwide pvper

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    Flea, he took photos on a different server as he was unable to on Piratecraft, being banned.






    We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.
    -Benjamin Franklin

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    <p>So, in your opinion I could use a modified client on piratecraft, get flagged by the anti-cheat, being asked for an F3 screen, not sending it and when I get banned I just relog with a vanilla client and I take pictures off it from another server and get unbanned…</p><p>Seriously, this doesn’t make any sense.</p><p> </p>

    Best worldwide pvper

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    I’ll just go ahead and tag this



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    Crazy Pirate
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    Flea is entirely correct. There’s no date on those screenshots, and even if there was, it would be of little use. Hell, we can’t even tell who took those screenshots! Unless you can provide real evidence, I can’t see this getting approved.

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    Jeez people, give Satire a chance… Even if he DID use x-ray (which I’m 90% he didn’t), it’s only a few diamonds right…? ._. Or a few stacks…? >-> I can relate to this guy, as being grounded sure is quite a pain. I would rather log off and not be grounded rather than be grounded and have my account not be banned. And who knows if he actually x-rayed? Does anyone even have proof and screenshots?

    What? You expect me to put some sort of inspirational quote here? Well, you don't get one!

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    Flea is entirely correct. There’s no date on those screenshots, and even if there was, it would be of little use. Hell, we can’t even tell who took those screenshots! Unless you can provide real evidence, I can’t see this getting approved.

    It got approved I’m unbanned anyways how could I find a screeny that also has one of my fav servers texture pack in the resource packs folder here’s proof I play

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    Is this last post advertising much…?

    Founder of the Coalition

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    @CrazyPirate1 He already went to another staff and got unbanned. (Using only that as evidence) :/


    Founder of The Vikings
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    I don't know what else to put.

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    @crazypirate1 He already went to another staff and got unbanned. (Using only that as evidence) :/

    i didn’t go to them

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