Unban Appeal

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    Current Username: MaxxMercury
    Username when banned: MaxxMercury
    UUID: 4d2d2725-59bd-428c-8f34-1b3f1fa12764
    Punishment tracker link: https://bans.piratemc.com/index.php?action=viewplayer&player=MaxxMercury&server=0
    Banned By: Atalantaa/Automated Console

    Today, while playing on piratecraft I believe I was wrongfully banned.

    After digging a hole in a mountain on the server, I started to place ladders to get out of it. However, I accidentally placed a ladder in a place I didn’t want it. Wanting to break it, I stood on top of the ladders and started to break them. But, to my confusion, I was kicked for ‘flying’. I then quickly logged back on thinking it was a glitch, and because the kick message stated to contact an admin if I believed I had been wrongfully kicked, I immediately and politely asked for an admin. To my delight it turned out there was an admin online named Atalantaa. The admin quickly began questioning me about my ‘flying’ as well as telling me not to log off and asking me ‘what client are you using’ . I was answering all of Atalantaa’s questions, when, to my horror I was kicked once again for ‘flying’ most likely by a robot. Me, being more confused then, again, quickly attempted to log back onto piratecraft. Unfortunately, upon trying to log onto the server I found that I was banned for 2 months, 3 weeks, and 4 days for the reason ‘logged upon questioning’ which I can only assume was meant to say ‘logged out upon questioning’ which I absolutely did not. I have attached a picture of the message in case of confusion.

    Overall I believe that I was wrongfully banned due to unfortunate circumstances and would thoroughly appreciate an unban or at least a review and further explanation of the event.

    Either way, I respect the staff’s decision and know that they will make the right choice. And, if I did do something wrong I apologize to the community for my actions or words and promise not to do it again.

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    When we are questioning players, it is not allowed to log out. At all. It is yourself that should have made sure you that you will not be kicked. Since you logged we cannot confirm that you were not useing a client we do not allow therefor you will need to wait out your ban.



    Grandmaster of the Teutonic Order

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