Unban Appeal

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  • #70602
    • Topics: 10
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    Current Username: Ic3y
    Username when banned: Ic3y
    UUID: https://mcuuid.net/?q=Ic3y
    Your punishment tracker link: https://bans.piratemc.com/index.php?player=Ic3y&server=0&action=searchplayer
    Banned By: Survival

    Dear Pirate Craft hope you are all well in these frightening times,


    I’m coming home from university in 2 weeks and would love to be able to hop on and see how everyone is doing – perhaps see some old faces too!


    Due to my own stupidity and immaturity, I was banned on the 23rd of December 2018. The reasons; toxicity, multiple warnings and slander. I have now been banned for just under 2 years.


    Over the duration of my ban, I have significantly matured – I know its cliché, but It’s difficult to express how much I actually have grown-up. I am deeply sorry to each and every player I harassed and was aggressive towards, there was simply no need for it.


    Due to my brattish, childish immaturity, I ignored multiple warnings from extremely patient staff members – a huge mistake which I greatly regret.


    I enjoy keeping up to date with the forums and the PMC community as best I can (as a banned player), one day I looked at some of my old forum posts/replies – and they are embarrassing. There is a laughable amount of entitlement, disrespect, aggression and slander – with little or no point/goal. For this I can only apologise.


    Equally, I extend my apologies to the Owner and Staffers whose time I wasted over many years. They work hard and run an amazing, unique server, with a great community. I fully understand why they wouldn’t want an old Icey playing on that server, tainting that community.


    Over the initial UK lock down period I was engaged with my local community. I volunteered at a body in my town that helped to deliver prescriptions medicine to vulnerable persons. Ordinarily, I wouldn’t mention such activities online – I try to keep my private and online lives relatively sperate. However, I felt this piece of information helps to emphasise I’m not who I once was.



    In my previous appeal I was told to find a new place to call home. Pirate Craft was my first ever Minecraft server, as well as the one I spent thousands of hours on. In total, I had over 100 days of play time, joining in 2013. With respect, Pirate craft was my home – which I mistreated and took advantage of it in the past. I’d be grateful to be given that opportunity to play once again on the server – as a reformed player who is helpful, respectful and supportive.


    I’m asking you to let me come home :’)

    Sincerely, Ic3y


    Best worldwide pvper

    Ganking noobs since 1876

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