Unban Appeal
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- This topic has 45 replies, 15 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by
December 5, 2019 at 2:30 am #64280
@Xeron I messaged you a personal apology as well however I am unsure if you viewed it, we have had a few arguments in the past and rightfully you are not fond of me because of it, however I am sorry for the issues that we had as I have said many times I acted as if I was entitled to play on the server. I feel like a lot of my anger was also placed on you too and I do want to formally apologize and am posting it here in case you do not use discord as much anymore.
I am sorry for everything I have done and I really do hope you take into consideration that I am ready to be a supporter of the server and a great part of the community.
I really do hope you will let me back on the server I do not plan on having any further punishments not even a mute for talking fast in chat I truly just want to be part of the community again.
I do have a suggestion if it may make you all more comfortable with me being on the server again, what if even if I get 1 warn for everything it is a instant perm ban? I truly don’t plan on causing issues and just want to play by the rules and have a great time with all of you.
Thank you for considering.
December 5, 2019 at 3:12 am #64282Atlanta, just wondering where you got this information from, ikbloated has just gone and explained it, but what you posted seemed greatly exaggerated and biased to just make bloated look bad. Especially with the ending “Do you really want someone who continues to behave this way back in the community?”
I won’t re explain what happened because as I said, bloated has already done that, but could you please keep from exaggerating to make bloated look bad, we all understand that he has done wrong in the past and this could lead to you not wanting bloated back on the server however many of us believe he does deserve a second chance, you did not see us exaggerating the reasons he should be unbanned we simply stated the things he did wrong accepted that he is sorry for his mistakes and provided accurate information for why we believe that he should be unban. Hardly did bloated spam Emiel the day he requested to be unbanned and even if he did send a few messages he explained in his post above that he was messaging him to say sorry is that really that bad? Once he realized emiel didn’t want to talk, bloated messaged a friend of emiel and asked for the message to be passed along. This can be verified by both of them.
Bloated’s intentions were good and I do believe that if given a second change that he will prove to the community that he can be a great player. He even stated above that he is willing to be banned even if he is muted once. That should show how sorry he is and that he really does not want to cause any issues and just wants to prove he can be a great player.December 5, 2019 at 3:15 am #64284Atlanta, just wondering where you got this information from. Ok bloated has just gone and explain it, but what you posted seemed greatly exaggerated and biased to just make bloated look bad. Especially with the ending Do you really want someone who continues to behave this way back in the community?
I won’t re explain what happened because as I said, bloated has already done that, but could you please keep from exaggerating to make bloated look bad, we all understand that he has done wrong in the past and this could lead to you not wanting bloated back on the server however many of us believe he does deserve a second chance, you did not see us exaggerating the reasons he should be unbanned we simply stated the things he did wrong accepted that he is sorry for his mistakes and provided accurate information for why we believe that he should be unban. Hardly did bloated spam Emiel the day he requested to be unbanned and even if he did send a few messages he explained in his post above that he was messaging him to say sorry is that really that bad? Once he realized emiel didnt want to talk bloated messaged a friend of emiel and asked for the message to be passed along, this can be verified by both of them.
bloated intentions were good and I do believe that if given a second change that he will prove to the community that he can be a great player and he even stated above that he is willing to be banned even if he is muted once that should show how sorry he is and that he really does not want to cause any issues and just wants to prove he can be a great player.December 5, 2019 at 3:47 am #64285I think that Bloated should be unbanned, he did bad things, but the good outway the bad. He was nice, friendly, and a overall good person to GOOD people. I think that honestly he should just be given another chance. Everyone makes mistakes, in his c ause, quite a few. But he was nice and friendly if you werent a total bitch! Thats why he should be unbannned
December 5, 2019 at 12:07 pm #64286Hello again, Yes i know my profile pic is an egirl, I cant do anything about that I think? Idk how this works. Made another account because I can’t figure out how to do forums, so this’ll be the account I use from now on. Rip MysticTitan’s Forum account 2016-2019
These are always weird to write, especially now that i’m trying to be a more mature person when it comes to this stuff instead of writing just a simple “haha L” or “Lol” like astro does on unban appeals. Well here goes nothing.
Bloated is Ga..
Just kidding, or am I? Jokes aside, there is a thing we like to call a second chance, and yes I do realize that he has been given his second chance already, although I personally feel this second chance came on a bit too soon as he was still in the process of growing as an individual. As he is right now he does genuinely seem to be a better person than he was when he actively played here, regardless of what he did, rules he broke, or whatever he does seem quite a significant bit more mature. I feel like this would be a perfect opportunity and chance to see if people can grow, mature, and be better than their old selves. I remember myself a couple years back during the glorious days of 2016 when Hydra first raided my base, I tried to be mature about it, but I was genuinely pissed, said some nasty things and was overall quite an obnoxious kid. Cocky, arrogant and generally just an asshole. I’d like to think I’ve grown out of the asshole part of that, I still need to work on the other ones don’t worry. Maybe he grew out of a bit of his messes as well during these past months.
I think a 3rd and absolute final chance would be just fine honestly, after talking to him a bit more and I got to realize his intentions with playing on PMC and hoping to come back. He is going to be taking classes(I think? Music or something, what a weirdo :p) and working crazy amounts of hours to get stuff for his family and to put himself through said classes(Once again I think) and wants to come back on the good old PMC that he used to play on to hang out during the later hours and what down time he would be getting. Hearing all of this I genuinely think he has become a bit of a better person from the stories of the big bad bloated we all know and despise.
Personally If he kept his behavior in check and became a model citizen of PMC, I think it would be a great opportunity to see if people perceived as nasty within the community can change. I realize that he has wronged many people on the server and has been quite the awful person sometimes. I completely understand a number of people not wanting to jump to have him unbanned, but I also believe that he has potential for quite the swing around when it comes to becoming quite the nice individual.
Plus, If he does not do this, and he proves some of our suspicious right, then theres always /ban and poof, gone for good. I’d say lets give the guy a bit of a chance to be respectable, if he proves that he has changed, GREAT! Another old member of the community coming back to our great server. One step back in the wrong direction, and it’ll return to how it started, him gone. Except after that, we will know he won’t change.
You must be logged in to view attached files.Haha my profile pic is an Egirl, I know. I caNT FIx THAt
December 5, 2019 at 2:13 pm #64288I understand why you guys would be weary on unbanning me but if you would like me to prove that I can be a good member of the server again what if staff puts me in the locker for 10 turns? It would take a while to get out but I am willing to. If there is anything you guys need me to do to prove it I can.
December 5, 2019 at 6:17 pm #64290how has staff not noticed this? theres like 38 posts in this topic lmao. just unban this dude and see what happens jesus.
The Clown (on leave until further notice)
December 5, 2019 at 6:44 pm #64291@stewie0404 I really do appreciate you saying that I really do hope they give me a shot I truly would like to play again with everyone however I wanted to thank you personally because in the beginning of this you actually made a post against me but your opinion about me changed and that is hard to do. So thank you for changing your opinion of me and being willing to give me a chance.
I am actually surprised by the uproar of people who want me to be able to play with them again it means even though I did bad I left a good mark on the community and I cannot wait to see how much good I can bring to the community by following by the rules and not being the intitled brat I acted like before.
December 5, 2019 at 6:48 pm #64292I also heard about a outcry in game for me to be unbanned players are going around naming sword unban bloatedhippo and forming this agressive group around this. Please do not do this, that is not what this is about it’s not for revenge or aggression as you guys are showing, I appreciate the support truly but please show it through peaceful means, post a honest reply and then wait for staff to make a educated decision.
December 5, 2019 at 9:12 pm #64294Right, I think the best way to go through this is systematically.
Before I start,
I also heard about a outcry in game for me to be unbanned players are going around naming sword unban bloatedhippo and forming this agressive group around this. Please do not do this, that is not what this is about it’s not for revenge or aggression as you guys are showing, I appreciate the support truly but please show it through peaceful means, post a honest reply and then wait for staff to make a educated decision.
^ This. It makes it less likely that we will actually unban a player, as their name will have been used in an obnoxious manner beforehand. Don’t do it (if you are), it doesn’t help them, and it certainly doesn’t help you. How would you like it if every morning some guy was waving a sign outside your door saying “Subscribe to Pewdiepie”, its annoying, and after a while it gets obnoxious and you will start to loathe them. Surely this isn’t what you wanted @everyone_whos_doing_this_im_looking_at_you_fruitboi
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Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia
@XeronDecember 5, 2019 at 9:31 pm #64295bloated just shutup and wait. and staff unban dis dude for chrissake there are 41 different posts on this topic.
The Clown (on leave until further notice)
December 5, 2019 at 11:17 pm #64296aye bruh can y’all stop blowing up my email notifications
Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured) Crew History:
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Dealer's Deck
House IndorilDecember 5, 2019 at 11:26 pm #64297Now to the main event, your appeal.
We wanted you to make an appeal publicly, as we were bored of denying your appeals via discord – and quite frankly other staff are fed up with you messaging them about it. Its here for everyone to see now, and FYI you don’t need to ask us to make a public appeal – you can do that anytime anywhere; whether it be in the US, Canada, France, or wherever else you had your VPNs registered.
I think a chronological order is best, so from the start. Its also pretty clear that several of your ‘punishments’ were joke punishments (Bans: #1, #3, #4, Mutes: #5).
- 28/04/17 – Banned for Xray
You were banned for suspected Xray, and a video surfaced of you using killaura on a different server. While I wasn’t there to check for Xray, something was fishy so we denied your first appeal. Your second appeal in April 2018 was accepted, and you got your second chance. You also logged on with your A_cl0ne account and another account to bypass your ban a few times if I remember correctly. - 26/10/17 – Warned for Advertising
You chose to start advertising your own server to your crew members and others in /msg. We know of other people’s involvement of this, and while what you do in your server is none of our business, we don’t appreciate you advertising it. You just don’t do this – you don’t get invited to a party and start talking about how good your party is going to be. This one’s on Gods – his server his rules, we have 0 tolerance for this kind of advertising.
- –/–/18 – Chat spam, irritating Gods and PythonAce
You came back and misbehaved in chat. You said yourself you let slip a sarcastic comment towards Gods that got you the 2 hour ban. You received a total of 5 mutes (generally for being rude and disrespectful to staff), and 3 autobans for chatspam. However, the chat spam would be something you would continue to do up until you were finally banned in June 2019 – we asked you to stop,
I know old habits die hard,
but it
And it all kicks off here.
- 16/03/19 – Muted by me for being rude.
You came back to be rude towards staff, as usual. Argued with me about it, as usual… or in other words ‘talk your way out of it’. - 23/03/19 – Warned for abuse of chatsystem to bypass pvp
We saw you do it multiple times, we had reports of you doing it. Spam chat enough, it thinks you’re spamming and kicks you. PvP manager doesn’t realize you’ve been kicked until its too late, and you essentially bypass pvp logging. You knew what you were doing. - 02/05/19 – Warned for glitching through doors
Lazy found you behind an iron door magically. At least this time you didn’t argue about it. - 08/05/19 – 24h Mute for your excessive chat spam. Again.
- 23/05/19 – Tempban 2 weeks for glitching, lying to staff, arguing with me about it for hours
We found you and Melon had emptied Creeper’s vault. Melon admitted it, returned the items, knew he fucked up and took the warning. You consistently denied any sort of involvement categorically – first you weren’t there at all with him, then you were, then you were messing around and he glitched, then you helped him but didn’t go inside, then you went inside… we went at this for a good 2 hours. The tempban wasn’t just for the glitching, it was consistently lying and being a pain in the ass about it. Plus you had just been warned the previous week for it. You wasted my time, I wasted yours. - 03/06/19 – Tempbanned (and later banned) for a variety of things
Gods found your netherportal at warp shops to direct players to your own shop in the nether – which while clever, was manipulation of the shop system – which overlapped with the original punishment (thus some people think you were banned purely for doing the shop thing – you weren’t).Shortly after you returned from your ban, you had some er… ‘hiccups’ with emiel in-game. Emiel then gave us some pretty serious information that you had admitted to him to being behind some bot attacks the previous year or something (more on this later). Rumour had it that you were behind some attacks back in November the previous year – this wasn’t new information, people were already speculating it back then. You have a good knowledge of minecraft, PCs, and VPNs, it would be child’s play for you to do this.Obviously Emiel coming forward with such things was quite a big deal. You and him had been close friends for a long time, and apparently you had told him about this last year. He kept his head low as he was your friend – then he was promoted, and ran into a shitty situation: Do I tell staff and get yelled at and break our friendship, or keep it to myself and risk worse… He eventually came to us and we dealt with him separately. Gods and I take accusations like these very seriously, so of course Emiel was pressured to spill the beans – this wasn’t something he could just come up with on the spot. With what he provided, and considering your track record, nasty rumours of you using hacks (yes, i know all pvpers have these), already being banned for xray, etc etc, we had a staff vote. Which was in overwhelming majority for you to be perm banned again – you were causing us too much trouble, these accusations were nothing to sneeze at. We wanted you out. - 24/06/19 – First bot attack that can be linked to a discord player named ‘Robot’. This is the same person responsible for multiple bot attacks that would follow in coming months, leading to crash the server as you will all remember. We have noted a distinct pattern of when this person attacks the server, and when bloated gets in touch with us again – months of inactivity and then within a day of each other both return. Anyways.
- 25/07/19 – You start playing the victim card on emiel to get unbanned
You joined a few days prior with your A_cl0ne account to bypass your ban, and check up on the server. Obviously you lied to us again about that – I had someone message you and you replied with “what? I just bought this account from someone!”.Anyway, you decide to go back to your old pal emiel and ask him to play along in your little game. You want to be unbanned and play again, and start twisting your words as you do so many times with me, and others, to try and get him of all people, to help you. You wanted your stuff transferred to Melon – he’s in on it, as are several others. And I, on behalf of emiel, am also in on it. You ask him to install some shady command blocker that’s stupid (he doesn’t obviously), your main account is unbanned, you log on, and “Oh no! You’re in the locker and can’t /permissiontrust! What do I do now..?”Well you come on with another alt the next day, pretending to be a “Shockerboy youtube fan” (honestly it cracked me up when I read it), and this new “deckhand” wanted to “visit the locker like in episode 7 of the lets play to ‘experience it'”. I knew it was you, try better next time lol. Anyways, I sent you there, you got digging so you could transfer your sand to your main account, leave the locker, go to survival, trust the people you need, and be gone.Couple days later I head to your base, admin claim it as I knew well in advance of what you were planning, and managed to catch you off-guard when emiel re-banned you with a different command, when it seems you forgot to turn on your VPN and suddenly all your accounts showed up with the same bloatedhippo IP address… all banned now, of course. But hey I got you to dig sand for 4 hours for nothing.
- 19-28/08/19 – We get most of the bot attacks now, all from the same player (bar one that was advertising a shitty server), with the leader ‘wanting to speak to the owner’. The bot owner tried their hardest to make life miserable for the people on here, but nevertheless engaged chat to try and pressure our staff to fix the issue and talk with the bot person. Pretty damn manipulative.
- 29/8/19 – You contact Rommerit about wanting to help VER with yet another alt account.
- 9/9/19 – More bot attacks.
- 10/9/19 – KingKaiser/Rome discord drama. Mystic, Drifting, all KingKaisers banned or tempbanned (this is relevant). We get a bot attack later that evening.
- 11/9/19 – The bot leader, ‘Robot’, introduces himself for the first time properly. He is very talkative (talks just like you, y’know) and insists staff contact him about an ‘urgent matter’ or else he will crash the server. Spoilers: the server gets crashed a few days later by several more waves. Attacks continue for a solid week, almost every day for 2+ hours.
- 21/9/19 – Robot contacts lazy directly, your name, among others, is mentioned, ‘things happen’. Apparently you have been in touch with Robot and endorsed their attacks… that is, if you aren’t the same person… but who knows. Up until now both of your patterns have been very very similar. This serious mess is dealt with a few days later, ending the bot attacks until… well we get another one tonight from a different person conveniently. No seriously, out of the blue, a new bot person, no idea.
Look, I understand your anger and frustration.
You feel it was unjustified, you feel innocent, you want that chance to come back. We have people that play that have arguably more punishments… but you were given a second chance already, and you blew it. Your fishy business with the accusations, and later trying to manipulate Emiel into unbanning you… kind of put the nail in the coffin. We’ve got toxic players, we’ve got rule breakers, but you take it to a new level with targeting Emiel and this bot shit, assuming there is some weight behind it.
If you truly want the best for him, don’t message him anymore. He’s sick and tired of you and the anxiety you have given him – he’s going through very tough times, he doesn’t want to speak to you anymore.
On the topic of that, do you have any idea what stress you have caused him? I’m not saying this to make him look like the victim – Emiel fucked up big time, he knows that, and he’s not asked me to vouch for him here because I’m a friend. I and many others were genuinely very concerned for his mental health. We dealt with Emiel separately, but you were constantly messaging him during your ban, manipulating him, targeting him as you knew he is that kind of person who might have a heart for you – you knew full well he could get himself banned for this. Did you not once think to yourself “hmm, I’ve kind of been a cunt to him, perhaps I should leave him alone”. But its not your fault is it? No, you’re just trying to have your items transferred.
Its what you do.
Its what you have always done – you talk your way out of things and manipulate people.
You tried doing it with me and the glitching.
You did it with Emiel.
You tried doing it with all your other punishments.
Sometimes, and this is a life lesson not just for minecraft, its better to shut your mouth rather than being all smart about things. I’m pretty sure this feud between you and the server staff wouldn’t be half as bad if you just shut it sometimes. Hell I’d even say one of the main issues we had with you was trying to out-smart and talk your way out of things c o n s t a n t l y.
I am aware of the hate train that gathers around controversial people of our community – an unpopular player does something fishy and suddenly “they need to be banned because they did X and Y“. We know. Yes, there is a chance that all of this bot attack stuff didn’t happen, all these events and evidence we have, is all just one big coincidence – set in motion by individuals who have a bone to pick with you. But what do you expect us to do? Forget about it all? What do you think would happen if we let you return; everything goes back to the good ol’ days?
No. The damage has been done, the evidence we have, the punishment tracker we have, it all speaks a different story. Its all going to happen all over again – you’ll get your loyal followers, some small issue will occur, you will make a big deal of it when staff are inevitably dragged in = drama. It’ll just end in the same old mess – you’ll probably get punished for what you see as a petty crime because you tried being smart about it, and before long we’ll just end up banning you again. Huzzah. Community is divided, staff are being pulled into drama of controversial players, its literally the worst scenario. Wait a month and we start getting messages of how sorry you are, but not before you pop on with more alts inbetween to bypass your punishment.
Well sorry buddy, its not going to repeat. This ends here. You aren’t coming back, you won’t come back. Whether or not some of your previous punishments were seen as harsh, what you have done since and the evidence we have suggest you have indeed not become more responsible for your actions – because you never were responsible for the shit you did in the first place. Please go find a different community to harass and divide – you’ve done your fair share of damage here already.
Denied and closed.
We don’t want apologies, and we don’t want your money for an unban, take it elsewhere. Do not message me or other staff about this. You’ve blown your chances, we’re all sick and tired to death. Use this time wisely and find a new community, start afresh, make new friends online. I hope you can find a community who will tolerate you and your bullshit.
Farewell, good luck, and goodbye.
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Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia
@XeronFebruary 23, 2021 at 7:48 pm #64271When I was first banned from the server I was pretty depressed I was truly saddened that not only did I get banned from a server that I had a lot of friends on but I could no longer play with my friends and the relationships that I built, I went to the store and spent 25$ on a new account I really don’t know what I was thinking or my rationality behind it but some way I was like hey I can join still play with my friends and start a new. It was a stupid mistake and I have not done it since then. I am sorry for this and it goes against a ton of rules however if you check the playtime of the alt you will see it only played for a few hours when a friend of mine who I told about the alt ordered me to get rid of it because it would just cause more issue and that snapped me out of it and made me realize he was right that I was banned for a reason and should just accept it like everyone else and make a post for staff to debate if I should be unbanned or not.
Cysteen I do apologize you feel this way but I was a pretty ruthless pvper and some of that involved tricking players to let me in their bases, I however I do not feel this should change if I should be unbanned or not this server is a server for all people builders and pvpers it was build like purposely and it does a amazing job at it. I however did apologize to Emiel, attempted to however this is why Atalantaa said that I called him multiple times and spammed him however this was not the case I called emiel to verbally apologize to him for our friendship falling out this is because I hope to be unbanned from the server and I would like to go back to being allies with him truth is me and him would talk on the phone all the time even when not playing the game. He did not pick up the first time I called but I did see that his icon went from offline to online so I messaged him I said hey emiel I need to talk to you. I saw three bubbles pop up indicated that he was typing then they stopped so I said you there? to which no reply at this time I realized he may not have noticed who my discord name was due to me changing it so I called from my discord named bloatedhippo. At this point I was blocked and realized that emiel has no intentions to talk to me which does hurt but I know its from my own mistake. You can ask emiel if we had a great relationship prior to our crews going against eachother. When I realized emiel had no intrested in talking I messaged @LazyDog11 and asked if she would pass on a message from me which was and I quote
I just wanted to see if you would say sorry to emiel for me I tried apologizing last night for how I treated him and he blocked me. If you could that would be great thank you.
I really do feel bad about a ton of things that happened on the server but I did message a few people whom I was the worst to apologizing so that if I am unbanned I can hopefully be friends with those people again. Even if I am not unbanned I would like to speak to them as well.
@emielreijs if you are reading this I hope we can be on speaking terms again.
I wish there was a digital scale I could show you guys that measure matureness the best thing I can say is please listen to the people who have kept in touch with me since I have been banned and have talked to me everyday they have seen me mature and above all realized all the bad I did.
Thank you for reading and considering.
February 23, 2021 at 7:48 pm #64272When I was first banned from the server I was pretty depressed I was truly saddened that not only did I get banned from a server that I had a lot of friends on but I could no longer play with my friends and the relationships that I built, I went to the store and spent 25$ on a new account I really don’t know what I was thinking or my rationality behind it but some way I was like hey I can join still play with my friends and start a new. It was a stupid mistake and I have not done it since then. I am sorry for this and it goes against a ton of rules however if you check the playtime of the alt you will see it only played for a few hours when a friend of mine who I told about the alt ordered me to get rid of it because it would just cause more issue and that snapped me out of it and made me realize he was right that I was banned for a reason and should just accept it like everyone else and make a post for staff to debate if I should be unbanned or not.
Cysteen I do apologize you feel this way but I was a pretty ruthless pvper and some of that involved tricking players to let me in their bases, I however I do not feel this should change if I should be unbanned or not this server is a server for all people builders and pvpers it was build like purposely and it does a amazing job at it. I however did apologize to Emiel, attempted to however this is why Atalantaa said that I called him multiple times and spammed him however this was not the case I called emiel to verbally apologize to him for our friendship falling out this is because I hope to be unbanned from the server and I would like to go back to being allies with him truth is me and him would talk on the phone all the time even when not playing the game. He did not pick up the first time I called but I did see that his icon went from offline to online so I messaged him I said hey emiel I need to talk to you. I saw three bubbles pop up indicated that he was typing then they stopped so I said you there? to which no reply at this time I realized he may not have noticed who my discord name was due to me changing it so I called from my discord named bloatedhippo. At this point I was blocked and realized that emiel has no intentions to talk to me which does hurt but I know its from my own mistake. You can ask emiel if we had a great relationship prior to our crews going against eachother. When I realized emiel had no intrested in talking I messaged @LazyDog11 and asked if she would pass on a message from me which was and I quote
I just wanted to see if you would say sorry to emiel for me I tried apologizing last night for how I treated him and he blocked me. If you could that would be great thank you.
I really do feel bad about a ton of things that happened on the server but I did message a few people whom I was the worst to apologizing so that if I am unbanned I can hopefully be friends with those people again. Even if I am not unbanned I would like to speak to them as well.
@emielreijs if you are reading this I hope we can be on speaking terms again.
I wish there was a digital scale I could show you guys that measure matureness the best thing I can say is please listen to the people who have kept in touch with me since I have been banned and have talked to me everyday they have seen me mature and above all realized all the bad I did.
Thank you for reading and your consideration.
- 28/04/17 – Banned for Xray
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