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  • #57968
    Robert Seung
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    Current Username: captain_roberts
    Username when banned: captain_roberts
    UUID: https://mcuuid.net/?q=captain_roberts
    Your punishment tracker link: https://bans.piratemc.com/index.php?action=viewplayer&player=captain_roberts&server=0
    Banned By: Maximus_Terragon

    Unban Appeal

    So what do I need to do to prove that I m not the same person?


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    • Your other account was banned 6 days earlier for using xray.
    • We denied that appeal a day later.
    • A new account with the same IP joins today, insisting you are his brother and wanting to carry on with his base.

    So we have a sailor rank with at least 3 days gameplay time (marvenXD), who did not have anyone trusted to his base, and did not have another account playing at the same time. But all of a sudden a new deckhand joins who seems very interested in playing on a server whom’s brother was just banned on.

    There are a few things that don’t add up for me, and I will happily hear a reply and let you prove me wrong:

    1. Considering marvenXD has been playing on a server for a couple of weeks with 3 days gameplay, I would have thought that your brother would have gotten you to join the server with him so you can play together – considering how interested he seemed. Seems a bit odd that all of a sudden a new player joins after a previous one with 3 days gameplay was banned.
    2. Assuming for whatever reason that you couldn’t make it on while your brother was still unbanned, why do you suddenly care about his base? We don’t give players trust to banned players bases – so either way you would not have been able to take care of his items, as he did not trust you to them, and we as admins won’t either.
    3. Upon inspection of marvenXD’s base, I noticed you share a base with a player named LexuTros. I’m assuming you two are friends. LexuTros also has a banned alt account, also for xray  – and LexuTros joined a few days after that account was banned (we’ll look into that). Bit of a coincidence that your brother’s friend did the same thing…?


    Aside from that, you are welcome to explain yourself and prove me wrong 🙂

    We will look into LexuTros, if everything is true, you, your brother, and your friend will have nothing to worry about. Sorry if this feels threatening, we don’t allow the use of alt accounts to bypass bans – and we are very strict on it.

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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    Robert Seung
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    I actually was not that interested in Minecraft and my younger brother never told me about this server. I knew he played a lot minecraft lately, but we never talked about minecraft, because he knows, that I’m not that interested in Minecraft anymore. A few days after he got banned he told me about what happened to him on this server, and how the whole Server works. That actually made me interested in this server and i started to inform my self about the plugins of the Server and the new things that got implemented to minecraft (since i last played it a few years ago). I really liked what i read and so i wanted to test if i would have fun playing minecraft again (on this Server). Also LexuTros is a friend of my brother and therfore i also know him in real life. I can totally understand if you can’t or don’t want to give me access to my Brothers base, he just asked me if i could continue his base for the time when his xray ban is over. The reason he didn’t trust me on his base, is that he didn’t thought i would ever want to play on the Server. I would really appreciate it if you trust me and let me play on this server again.



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    I actually was not that interested in Minecraft and my younger brother

    How coincidental.

    we never talked about minecraft, because he knows, that I’m not that interested in Minecraft anymore.

    after he got banned he told me about what happened to him on this server

    Never talk about MineCraft, you have no interest = Tells you about (a particularly unique) MineCraft server- just so happen to get interested.

    There are things in your request which really do seem awkward.

    However, after *cough* stalked *cough* your MineCraft username history, I have only found 1 piece of evidence which could prove you being correct. The fact that your account is Unmigrated.

    By that we know that we know your account existed before 2012, which is closer to 2000 than 2018 is to closer to 2030. (Sorry to scare everyone.)(Hope I got that right also?)

    Not at all related to this though, the fact your brother could circumnavigate his ban via your account, which is why this is such a fishy thing, and we have no way of knowing if it is your account or his.

    Anyway, I do not have the final stay and have wasted about an hour of my time doing this. So… 😛


    Robert Seung
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    Dear Palmeraggedon

    Palmerageddon wrote

    <span style=”color: #555555; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;”>Never talk about MineCraft, you have no interest = Tells you about (a particularly unique) MineCraft server- just so happen to get interested.</span>

    I got interested in Minecraft not only because of your server, but in general of Minecraft itself, because of all the new content it received since I “left” Minecraft. And after my younger brother told me about the incident happened on this server, I looked up the server for myself and read the content it has, it took my interest and I started to play Minecraft again. That’s what happened and I hope you believe me.


    Robert Seung
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    Dear Palmerageddon

    Palmerageddon wrote

    Never talk about MineCraft, you have no interest = Tells you about (a particularly unique) MineCraft server- just so happen to get interested.

    I got interested in Minecraft not only because of your server, but also because Minecraft received a lot of new content since I “left” Minecraft. And after my brother told me about the incident happened on this server, I informed myself about this server and read about the special content it has. It took my attention and I started to play Minecraft again. I hope you believe me, because I would be really happy to play on your server again.


    Robert Seung
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    Hi guys

    It’s been a while since we talked about this topic, so I wanted to know if you have decided yet.


    Robert Seung
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    Do I have to do anything else to prove that I m not the same person as marvenXD. If there is anything I could do, please reply @godsdead.

    Robert Seung
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    So the last post was a week ago and I’m getting impatient now. If you dont want ot unbann me, can u at least tell me that, because it is kind of annoying, that I have waited so long and no one answers me.



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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

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