Unallowed Ban Request

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    Current Username: Unallowed
    Username when banned: Unallowed
    UUID: edea6129-b564-4d34-89b7-9bc1ce0fd012
    Your punishment tracker link: https://bans.piratemc.com/index.php?player=Unallowed&server=0&action=searchplayer
    Banned By: SmokeyRiver

    Unban Appeal

    Still don’t know exactly what I was banned for since the ban reason is unclear, It’s been 16 months since my ban and felt like it was time to appeal.

    Firstly, the catching up to players method is just due to the fact that when a player gets hit a velocity packet is sent to the server and vertical kb is taken (Vertical kb is a set rate, so no matter what hit I did it would send them up the same amount.) Once a player is in the air they will move slower then a player on the ground, thus allowing a player to catch up and repeat the said process over again.

    Secondly, I want to clear up the air a little bit since I’m still appealing based of my best judgment of what a player will call me out for being sketchy about.
    – I already explained the Speed Accusations.
    As far as I can tell from the very few pieces of evidence I’ve been provided is that I was banned for speed hacks while in water. When it happened I was next to Jusa (Not sure what his ign even is nowadays) and when Jusa ran into me I got player collisoned. Allowing me to go faster then he could while in the water  (This is prior to 1.13 where it would be a lot harder for two players’ hitboxes to contact each other.)
    – Another point people will probably make is my aim. There’s no real way to explain someone’s aim besides just stating that is legit. I mean it’s expected for someone’s aim to be at least decent to the point that they miss very few hits after doing gaming with the same sensitivity and settings for a mouse since 2015 / 2016.
    – The last point someone will make on me is probably the thing I do where I look up and hit a player while barely hitting their hitbox. This is just abusing the fact that this game runs off 20 ticks so the rate between a player’s hitbox and their body’s placement will sometimes look distorted due to server lag. It looks a lot more sketchy when the second player hits the first player a little bit slower allowing the hit packet to be sent on the second packet instead of right after the first velocity packet allowing the hit to look even sketchier. A showcase of this can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g85Jc1oNzbk


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    Ooof, this one almost got away. It’s been posted in the wrong sub-forum.

    As this is your 2nd ban, I can only implore you to adhere to our server rules !


    Good luck mate,


    Proud Member of the Piratecraft history 🙂


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