Topic Title: Unmute Appeal for Lil_Craft_ on PirateMC Server

Home Forums Server Support Unban Requests Topic Title: Unmute Appeal for Lil_Craft_ on PirateMC Server


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  • #82707
    Lil Craft
    • Topics: 2
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    • Total: 3

    Current Username: Lil_Craft_
    Username when banned: Lil_Craft_
    UUID: UUID 77dbb46a-2a75-40d5-a392-8c73e37b381d
    Your punishment tracker link:
    Banned By: Lazydog11

    Unban Appeal

    Dear PirateMC Staff,


    I am truly sorry for any disruption or rule-breaking that may have led to the permanent mute on my account, Lil_Craft_. Being a part of the PirateMC community has brought me so much joy, and I am eager to make things right and regain my place within the community.


    I promise to respect the rules and policies of PirateMC, and to be a positive force within the community. I am willing to work hard to regain the trust of the staff and players, and I hope to become an upstanding member of the community once more.


    I humbly request that you reconsider the permanent mute on my account, and give me a second chance to show my commitment to the rules and policies of the server. I want nothing more than to be a part of this wonderful community again, and to make it an even better place for everyone.


    Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope to hear from you soon.


    Sincerely, Lil_Craft_

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    sabrina (lazydog11)
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