Threatening and harassing

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    King Karim
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    This forum is a follow up on my previous one, In my previous forum I said “I am a changed man, you will see a new KingKarim from now on”And so far I’ve been following my word. You might be wondering why I’m making this forum, well I’m being threatened myself by CrazyPirate who’s falsely accused me of asking him to give me 10,000$ and accused me of black mailing him in my previous forum. Well this is what happened between me and CrazyPirate, I been at war with him for over a few months now and about a month ago he asked what does it take for you and the BE to be allies, I told him we can’t be allies but we could be neutral if your empire does business with me, and I told him if your empire buys/trades stuff with me for around 10,000$ we could become neutral. I never asked him to give me 10,000$ directly. Well all this is the past and I think this is one of the reasons why I have been punished with 2 warnings a couple days ago, but earlier today my allies the 0utlaws have launched an attack against the BE, and lew asked me for assistance so I helped him and here’s where CrazyPirate’s threatening came in “KingKarim you’re following up on your black mail” “KingKarim this is your last straw” “KingKarim you don’t even know what’s going to happen to you :)”. In my previous forum I did say that I will continue being at war with the BE, I am not at war with them for money or any reason other then the fact that they are at war with my allies and they haven’t asked for a peace treaty of me yet. When I made my previous forum few days ago I had 210,000$ but today I have 227,000$ I’ve made 17,000 from selling different players different things I do not make my money from black mailing people. CrazyPirate knows that I have 2 warnings and can’t wait till he causes my last warning I haven’t done anything wrong in the past few days ever since I’ve been warned but this man thinks that he could force peace with my empire I am at war with him and nothing will change that unless the BE surrenders to both the Red Lotus and the 0utlaws. The past is the past, and CrazyPirate clearly thinks he could get me in trouble for being at war with him and his empire using things that I’ve been already punished for in the past. I want to hear CrazyPirate’s opinion and the staff’s opinion about the situation because I’m not following up on any black mail it’s just that I have not yet come to allied or neutral terms with the BE and will continue being at war with them.

    The cycle of life continues, we will live, you will die.
    The Red Lotus rules.

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    wait i remember the reason you declared war at us was because we dint buy stuff from you… even tride to sell me armour back when i had 10k and i said no…after a few days you were at war with the BE and said it was becuiase we dint buy from you :/ i took it as a joke but i see it was for real….


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

    King Karim
    • Topics: 4
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    @Dr_solid you have never ever in your life had 10k, I can tell @CrazyPirate has had a bad influence on you. Lying isn’t a good path to take.

    The cycle of life continues, we will live, you will die.
    The Red Lotus rules.

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    Okay, and now with paragraphs for anyone who couldn’t read the above passage!

    This forum is a follow up on my previous one. In my previous forum I said “I am a changed man, you will see a new KingKarim from now on”, and so far I’ve been following my word.

    You might be wondering why I’m making this forum, well I’m being threatened myself by CrazyPirate who’s falsely accused me of asking him to give me 10,000$ and accused me of black mailing him in my previous forum. Well this is what happened between me and CrazyPirate, I been at war with him for over a few months now and about a month ago he asked what does it take for you and the BE to be allies, I told him we can’t be allies but we could be neutral if your empire does business with me, and I told him if your empire buys/trades stuff with me for around 10,000$ we could become neutral. I never asked him to give me 10,000$ directly.

    All of this is the past and I think this is one of the reasons why I have been punished with 2 warnings a couple of days ago, but earlier today my allies the 0utlaws have launched an attack against the BE, and lew asked me for assistance so I helped him and here’s where CrazyPirate’s threatening came in “KingKarim you’re following up on your black mail” “KingKarim this is your last straw” “KingKarim you don’t even know what’s going to happen to you :)”.

    In my previous forum I did say that I will continue being at war with the BE, I am not at war with them for money or any reason other than the fact that they are at war with my allies and they haven’t asked for a peace treaty of me yet.

    When I made my previous forum few days ago I had 210,000$ but today I have 227,000$ I’ve made 17,000 from selling different players different things I do not make my money from black mailing people. CrazyPirate knows that I have 2 warnings and can’t wait till he causes my last warning I haven’t done anything wrong in the past few days ever since I’ve been warned but this man thinks that he could force peace with my empire. I am at war with him and nothing will change that unless the BE surrenders to both the Red Lotus and the 0utlaws.

    The past is the past, and CrazyPirate clearly thinks he could get me in trouble for being at war with him and his empire using things that I’ve been already punished for in the past. I want to hear CrazyPirate’s opinion and the staff’s opinion about the situation because I’m not following up on any black mail it’s just that I have not yet come to allied or neutral terms with the BE and will continue being at war with them.

    Crazy Pirate
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    I have not made up lies; I have stated throughout, that you asked for £10,000 from the BE, through purchases and cash, or else you would declare war. You then created a forum post, announcing how sorry you are, yada yada yada. You are dealt with for your harassment, and I  posted how you asked that (the £10,000) of us, and said that if you could stop lying about it there, we could forgive and forget. You then say something sentimental, and godsy finishes the thread. So, in my mind, you have learnt from your mistakes, and the drama has ended.

    I come back from my weekend away, to find that you have declared war on the BE, without reason. I then hear, that this is because we didn’t pay up. So, naturally, I assume that is the case, as we have had a long lasting peace until that point (contrary to what you say above) and you haven’t given any other reason for such a war. What happens then? I tell you that you are following through on your threat, and are thus continuing to blackmail the BE, which is severe, and so I warn you in game about this.

    I don’t want to see you perm banned, I want you to realise that taking advantage of others is not a viable option. But, despite my warnings to you about this, you continue, offering no evidence in your defence. So, naturally, I now want you to get a form of punishment, as you have gone against your word, and against what the staff have asked of you.

    You deny that it is the case, and each of your accounts differs. You have created this thread, and are thus fuelling even more unnecessary drama. The points are simple:

    -You ask the BE for £10,000 worth of purchases and cash, and you won’t declare war on us

    -You promise not to Blackmail again, and the staff tell you not too

    -You  declare war on the BE, and I hear it is due to us not paying up

    -You offer no true reason to the contrary (we weren’t at war for months karim)

    -I warn you in game, about doing it

    -You then make it a big deal, and make more drama on the forums.

    If you have a problem with the above, tell me, but use paragraphing, please.


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    um karim remember the time i regened my city? i sold all the claims and got 7k then a sold some wood at cove and diamonds/iron to players.and got 10k its not even that much money (comparee to the big guys atlist :/).


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    Wait is Karim trying to avoid being warned? Or.. Lol idk someone wanna catch me up to date on what happened here?

    ~Queen of the Woodland Elves
    Elder of the High Council~

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Basically rep, Karim denies ever offering me this choice; “£10,000 in cash and purchases or the BE is at war with me”. Then, we don’t pay up, after the deadline, so suddenly Karim is at war with us. I tell him this is following through on his blackmail, which he denies, but then offers no reason otherwise (apart from the wrong “we’ve been at war for months” excuse, which is rubbish).

    So, he then creates this thread, and more drama, and basically claims that I’m lying, and that I’m trying to get him banned. And if he does this any time that someone challenges his rule breaking, then I’m actually all for it.

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    Ah I gotcha

    ~Queen of the Woodland Elves
    Elder of the High Council~

    King Karim
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    @CrazyPirate I never denied the fact that I asked for 10,000$ in cash purchases, but I didn’t tell you I’ll be at war with you if you don’t pay up the 10,000$, I was already at war with you at the time because the 0utlaws were at war with you and since they are my allies I am automatically at war with you as well, but I told you “Crazy if you do purchases and trades with me for about 10,000$ I will stand outside of this war between u and the 0utlaws and be neutral to both parties”. However, you are stating that I wasn’t at war with you and I was threatening to go to war with you if i don’t make the purchases which is completely not true I was already at war with you and I offered to be neutral. Moreover, after staff have told me that what I was doing was wrong I took that in mind and said “I am a changed man, you will see a new KingKarim from today on” I meant that I will no longer combine the business man inside me and the warrior inside of me together. Furthermore, I will no longer be asking for anyone to purchase anything from me for war or alliance or even neutral relations between my empire and theirs. I will be selling anyone anything they need and I will leave all the empire politics aside. In other words, I am at war with you right now because of my allies the 0utlaws if u which to discuss any treaties with me I am open for discussion.

    The cycle of life continues, we will live, you will die.
    The Red Lotus rules.

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    I believe CrazyPirate, don’t go hating on me Karim, I have a reason, your posts are different from eachother, if I remember correctly, in your last post you didn’t actually say you said ” if your empire buys/trades stuff with me for around 10,000$ we could become neutral” You just said if they bought stuff for 10,000 off of you. That, to me, sounds like you want them to buy 1 thing for 10,000. not 10,000 ponds worth of stuff.

    This post that I posted on this post about something is probably useles information.............

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