The Loners Crew Alliance Request

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  • #75494
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    Good day to you all. My IGN is BlackShadow969, my crew name is The Loners Crew (TLC), and I wish to formally request an alliance with the British Empire. We are a peaceful crew living northwest of Warp North, at the end of the Northern canal, and we are always happy for more alliances. If there are some other requirements my crew leaders or I must complete before such an alliance, we shall do so to the best of our abilities with all due speed.

    I wish you all good luck with your endevours!

    Leader of TLC (The Loners Crew)
    I have not failed, I just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
    ----Thomas A Edison----

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    Please be patient while the British Parliament makes a decision. this may take some time

    – Cosmic_Raiders Fs of the British Empire

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    What do you have to offer the British Empire?

    – RatRaceRobot – Minister of the BE

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    I would like to ask what you would accept as an offering. Besides protecting BE bases and ports (we do not need the reciprocal), I may provide items, such as gsets, emeralds, enchanted books, or other materials. If you are looking for anything specifically, please speak your mind.

    Leader of TLC (The Loners Crew)
    I have not failed, I just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
    ----Thomas A Edison----

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    <p style=”text-align: right;”>How active is your crew? Are you growing in numbers? Are you a building or pvp crew? Is there a specific reason you want to be allied with us?</p>

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    Good day Minister RatRaceRobot,

    I hope that these answers shall prove sufficient.

    1. “How active is your crew?” We are a relatively active crew, with periods of vrenzied activity, and periods of inactivity. While we are currently active, that may change in the coming weeks. Time will tell.

    2. “Are you growing in numbers” Technically no. We are very much a solitary crew, though we help as many new players as possible. However, since we are a deckhand crew, our few new members tend to leave the server in a few days.

    3. “Are you a building or pvp crew? “Individually, depends on the crew leader you ask. The crew as a whole, we are a peaceful RP/Building crew, however that does not mean that we are pacifists. If needed, we will protect our charges with all available means.

    4. “Is there a specific reason you want to be allied with us?” We wish to straighten out relations with 2 of your members, and we desire to strenghten the bonds of several others. Trading with your crew has also been in the forefront of our minds. We also wish to learn from your shipmasters and admirals, as we but novice carpenters. Your history intrigues me, and I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to learn more about it from your historians, though that is merely my desire. Finally, we have no wish to either be declared enemies directly, or become foes through some other means. We want to head such possibilities off at the pass.

    I shall be waiting for your reply with great interest Minister RatRaceRobot. I wish you good luck on your endevours.


    Leader of TLC (The Loners Crew)
    I have not failed, I just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
    ----Thomas A Edison----

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    Ok, please be patient as we make a decision

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    Good day BlackShadow969,

    I regret to inform you that the BE government has decided to not pursue an alliance with your crew for the time being and instead wishes to wait and see how the TLC will develop over the next few months.

    Again, the government thanks you for your patience and wishes you and the TLC all the very best for the future.

    - Sincerely - ItsCrazyDave

    Appointed a Lord of the British Empire in 2021 and a loyal member since 2018.

    Currently the Prime Minister and a former Vice Prime Minister of the British Empire
    Served 3 non-consecutive terms as the BE Home Secretary
    Leader of the Loyal BE Progressives Party and the 1st leader of the BE "Loyal Opposition"
    Currently a Councillor on the London City Council and its Deputy Mayor
    Previously held the posts of Mayor of London & Governor-General of South Afric

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    Dear ItsCrazyDave,

    First of all, that is unfortunate. However I shall honour BE’s response, and use this as another benchmark for our crew.

    Second, I thank BE for taking the time to acknowledge, deliberate, and respond to our request.

    Third, I wish to continue relations with some of your members, if there are no objections.

    Forth, I wish you and your fellow crew members good luck on your endevours.


    Leader of TLC (The Loners Crew)
    I have not failed, I just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
    ----Thomas A Edison----

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    Hello BlackShadow969,

    Thank you for understanding.

    Our crews are on a neutral standing so by all means engage with our fellow citizens. The BE Government, in my opinion, anyway does not have the right to dictate the choices/decisions of our citizenry.


    - Sincerely - ItsCrazyDave

    Appointed a Lord of the British Empire in 2021 and a loyal member since 2018.

    Currently the Prime Minister and a former Vice Prime Minister of the British Empire
    Served 3 non-consecutive terms as the BE Home Secretary
    Leader of the Loyal BE Progressives Party and the 1st leader of the BE "Loyal Opposition"
    Currently a Councillor on the London City Council and its Deputy Mayor
    Previously held the posts of Mayor of London & Governor-General of South Afric

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    For record-keeping purposes:

    This thread is now closed!

    - Sincerely - ItsCrazyDave

    Appointed a Lord of the British Empire in 2021 and a loyal member since 2018.

    Currently the Prime Minister and a former Vice Prime Minister of the British Empire
    Served 3 non-consecutive terms as the BE Home Secretary
    Leader of the Loyal BE Progressives Party and the 1st leader of the BE "Loyal Opposition"
    Currently a Councillor on the London City Council and its Deputy Mayor
    Previously held the posts of Mayor of London & Governor-General of South Afric

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