The Deal about HardTimez…

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    Pig you moron how do you know he didn’t have hacks when saving Verussia? X-Files Plays

    I fought with Hard while the 0utlaws were saving it. Hard may of done a lot of bad things, but he also did a lot of good things. I know a lot of people don’t understand this because their in big crews but he lead the first small crew to fight other huge crews. He let many other small groups break free from the threat of big crews and merge into one big force. By doing this he brought together all crews to peace. Unfortunately, his favor to PirateCraft wouldn’t and didn’t last long because new guilds caused PirateCraft to go back to war.

    Emperor of Rohan

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    Pig…He declared war on the BE for his own enjoyment, then The Allied joined to aid, which started the war. (Where do you get your facts from? :P)

    Verussia still would of existed…I invented it way before he came, in fact he burnt one of my cities to the ground and  constantly attacked me, he also set us back into wars when he controlled us. He then invaded and conquered North Verussi as a dominion.

    Still though, it was these events that inspired the world and that should be remembered. I am not going to endorse his decision to hack…But I cannot deny his significance. There should be a little section, perhaps telling new comers of the wars he sparked, the people he terrorised and the infamous pirate crew he ruled; and what outcome came from these events- to the world.



    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

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    Lol so? I rivalled all the crews on the crew lists to get a higher kdr and declared war on TAS and EE because I lost my boots. HardTimez is back! Lol jk, I’m not doing limbo just yet.


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    iOdi… so? you are not important, that sentance had no relevance, and no one cares?


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

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    Odi. You must not understand this. Hardtimez absolutely declared this for his own enjoyment because he had hacks. You on the other hand, could do the same. But however, you’d still get recked! xD


    The Queen
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    This is true! Mc made an amazing statement.

    The EE and BE suffered most definitely from the war as we are and were the biggest empires fighting such a major threat!

    If it wasn’t for the brave elven century and British Royal soldiers the war would have been lost. Verussia would have never been liberated and the allied today known as the LoN.

    Currently the server is on peacetime mode but soon and I can see there will be another war. Not sure between who but there will be another outbreak like the tyranny of previous wars…

    You all can expect one thing for sure, for as long as I am queen and rule the Elven empire we will  fight against the evil and restore light in this realm, as I trust our sister ally the British will do as well.


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    Hahahahahahah hahahahahah lololol get REKT ODI by doritos


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    Pig, you liked your own comment :/

    How can I take you seriously?

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    This is true! Mc made an amazing statement. The EE and BE suffered most definitely from the war as we are and were the biggest empires fighting such a major threat! If it wasn’t for the brave elven century and British Royal soldiers the war would have been lost. Verussia would have never been liberated and the allied today known as the LoN. Currently the server is on peacetime mode but soon and I can see there will be another war. Not sure between who but there will be another outbreak like the tyranny of previous wars… You all can expect one thing for sure, for as long as I am queen and rule the Elven empire we will fight against the evil and restore light in this realm, as I trust our sister ally the British will do as well.

    pffffft The BE and EE losses were nothing compared to mine   Even though only dying once (during an event getting 2v1ed by karim and hardtimez and it was given to me) and killing hard atleast 18 times the amount of XP God apples and diamonds spent fighting hard were insane. Now the amount lost was not as much but for 1 person being me gaining really nothing out of it except God apples being eaten and armor destroyed it was devastating. BE and EE have/had a ton of people to help gain items. It’s a shame I’m forgotten so much. I remember the elven ball ( yeah I slaughtered it two times oops) but after words the partied raged on still as a battle in the jungle of Unicorn vs hard times occurred. ( if I didn’t kill him he would have slaughtered again and only I am allowed to do that!!!!) he wasn’t good at pvp and after he realized he couldn’t kill me he started using hacks. I somewhat regret not playing more when he did just to kill his crew more so I’d be remembered ^_^

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

    The Queen
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    You are remembered BUT you need to know EE and BE were hit as hard as you like major we have had economy failures on top of governments failing to provide to there people as they should!

    Before the war the elves had 2 war fleets equaling out to around 20 ships, after the war we had 1 that was in bad shape. We are will trying to recoup from that.

    Now UNI when you got killed you were taunting them saying your a wizard no one can defeat you…but when you died the Wizard title kinda of vanished.. If you want to reclaim that title you need to be the PVP active UNI I knew and not some man who comes on and just talked people’s heads off for 30 minutes.

    ..easy to say this war effected everyone badly

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    Except for me 😛 I lost one set of iron and shot most of EE by accident.


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    I honestly love how people band together towards a common goal. But alas, he did have a large legacy and its nearly impossible to stop people saying his name.

    Off-Topic:Does Verussia even exist anymore?

    I like trains!

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    Yeah they allied to XE


    Crazy Pirate
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    All I remember was using 2 stacks of iron blocks, and creating a huge cannon/mortar  trap outside one of my bases. He got obliterated.

    Hard was a bad guy. Him helping verussia was just a war tactic, to gain him some allies and manpower; I assure you, it didn’t come from the goodness of his heart. All we really need to know about hard is that he was a pirate, and a darn good one at that. But people rose up, and he got an ass whopping, and so he turned to hacks in an attempt to increase his power.

    That’s it. The story of hardtimez in a nutshell. Not a hero, a figure, a legend or a myth. Just a dick who wasn’t good enough, and used illegitimate means to achieve his goals.

    Also, pig, ffs man. You comment stupid shit on pretty much everything. And likely your own comment? Man, that’s sad. Some choice picks of your recent stupidity:

    The hattawi team was banned even though no proof was shown

    Hard was a unstoppable pirate master. But he was not that rude or horrible at all. He made like barely any disrespect slurs in chat and didn’t abuse hes strength unlike the many players today



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    I dunno if this post brought about your questions, but may merely help answer some of them.


    I remember the one time I attacked Hardtimez base with another member of my crew with Reptaria and her Elves and some other coalition forces.

    We were getting hammered by broadside boat attack, whilst _Lego_ swam about with a white flag above his head, then some how the boat exploded.

    (I could go into more detail)

    Then I believe we were only attacked once, which you can still see as an explosion crater on Port AceMunch.


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