The cheating mob

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  • #20427
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    I know this is a report post but it’s making people ask questions which can hurt others.

    yes rep got in your house maybe or maybe not through a glitch or maybe or maybe not abused /back.

    this post is doing more harm than good.

    i think it should be closed.


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    I know this is a report post but it’s making people ask questions which can hurt others. yes rep got in your house maybe or maybe not through a glitch or maybe or maybe not abused /back. this post is doing more harm than good. i think it should be closed.

    Yes Palmera why don’t we just close it and let your friends keep abusing and glitching?

    Are you seriously saying we shouldn’t even try to get cheaters banned because we might hurt their feelings? Mindless fanboys like you disgust me, people like you are the reason cheaters like hardtimez go undetected for so long.

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    also Elo, u didnt post a single piece of proof of them glitching thru iron doors, so that could be made up BS. Also u dont know reps life, so dont tell rep who/what they are. So… i would gather a little more proof b4 making a post like this and stay on friken topic.


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    I’m not a fan boy.

    i believe this is a problem and back should have a small cool down rate and glitches need to be stopped.

    What I’m trying to say is people are asking questions which are hurting others such as rep.

    I do believe rep shouldn’t have used /back so much and should of legitimately got in your base but not have questions which upset Rep.



    And Elexandre you d***head for saying that.

    You didn’t need to say that.

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    Ok well name_change. They were an annoying me in msg so yea.  Plus im a fan of roleplay and a very dramatic person. Is that wrong?

    Founder and Senator of the Luteus Republic
    Writer of Pirate Craft Articles
    Luteus Republic
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    Who is name_change?

    ProWil (formerly Wilson Manzer),
    General Secretariat of The Papal State
    PirateCraft Veteran, circa 2015.

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