The cheating mob

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    tldr: /back abuse and iron door glitching has to stop!

    Yesterday I got attacked by Reptaria and he used /back to get around my cannon. He died about 4 times and /backed again and again to get around so he could come back with diamond armor.

    As I told him he is abusing /back I got Pm warnings that Reptaria does that often and people from his fanbase kept defending her with ridiculousness accusations that there might be a bed nearby. The worse part being that people wrote that I should let it slide because Reptaria is a girl.

    I also got warned that Reptaria acts like that so people like him more and he can break rules and get away with it. I wont go in to detail how pathetic that is since we are here to discuss more important matters.

    Later on Reptaria admitted that he used /back after dieing and his fanbase still kept defending her.

    As you can see Reptaria says he didn’t /back AFTER I told her not to. A Person who has played for so long and even complained about others abusing /back should know better!

    A staff member who shall for now not be named (maybe he will write here and admit/reason?) Also stated that is the way /back should work. If it really is why did people get banned for it and how are we supposed to get rid of people in our base?


    Which brings me to my two main complaints! I dont care that you attack people with 10 vs 1 and I dont care if you flame in chat and try to make me look as the bad guy. But just because you are losing doesnt make it right to break rules! I know one of your people glitched through an iron door and tped the others in!

    I hope that staff finds a way to fix /back abuse and iron door glitching that is all I ask for I didnt lose anything important to me and dont even want my god armor or anything back that is easily replaced I want a solution to this problem.

    Now I am aware that her fanbase will come here and demand proof or nothing can be done but are the players really expected to record their gameplay just in case people cheat? Not everyone has a good computer to record everything. On other servers I played staff had plugins like log-block to control who opened doors and in general logs to get rid of cheaters doesnt staff here have similar means of disposing them?

    Cheaters cant be allowed to roam free until they use their cheats on someone who happens to have a good computer and who happens to record it at that time. There has to be a better solution.


    The Queen
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    LOL wait woah woah let me make somthing clear here HAHA!! You were attacking noobs earlier who had no armor and kept dieing… That’s what led up to this.. And also Wilson has the nerve to like this post when he was raiding you to?! This makes no type of sense.. LOL
    What I don’t apreciate is that fact you picking certain parts of my messages and don’t show my entire MESSAGE!! Only trying to make yourself look good…

    Note it was not just me who raided you… It was about 10 -15 other people who attacked.. And when I admiting to using /back YES I did use /back I’m not gonna lie and say I didn’t… But I didn’t abuse it

    No one glitched through the damn doors man come on now this is sad.

    There are many who witness you who logged out when I sieged you and then we opened the lever when u died and started looting..

    As I said many times DONT FIGHT AND KILL UN ARMED NOOBS but you wanted to so pay the cost to be the boss..

    What pisses me off is how you manage to take pieces of my message and not even show the entire message cause you knew good and well it would deny your case..



    Note at this time once we got in… You were gone offline…. Henrik got in and boom ur offline for the rest of the night

    WHAT DO YOU MEAN GET AWAY WITH IT!? Staff does not have favors on genders…. Like what the actual f**** staff treats everyone the same no questions asked so that fact that you Say I get special treatment is rude.

    cause I don’t

    I have said enough I’m not gonna have a petty player make a forum after he was raided fair and square.. It just isn’t right lol

    Next time don’t harm those unarmed players and I won’t attack …


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    I was helping a friend who was doing some business with those who you call noobs. Why you attacked me is not relevant at all.

    You admit to using /back but deny that you abused it. You died in front of my cannon /backed and died again and repeated that until you where out of the firing arc of the cannon that was 4 maybe 5 /backs to my claimed area and you died each time!

    For the door glitching part I am not talking about downstairs when you sieged. One of your mob glitched through the iron door on the ground level. After that you all got in and we fought at the piston door with the cannon. Where I got sieged and my internet bandwidth for this month was used up so I timed out. That was legit and fair but you got in to the castle by tping to someone who glitched through an Iron door.

    WHAT DO YOU MEAN GET AWAY WITH IT!? Staff does not have favors on genders…. Like what the actual f**** staff treats everyone the same no questions asked so that fact that you Say I get special treatment is rude. cause I don’t

    I am not saying staff treats people different tbh this servers staff is much more impartial than most I am talking about your mob trying to get people like me to not report you for /back abusing and the like because they tell me you are a girl and I shouldn’t be mad.

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    I like your book Elo.

    Of the Dwelfs.

    I have the Original.

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    I have to say that i was tge one who “attacked” the people that are called newbs. And let me say that they are not newbs. I tried to sell my wares before they tried to kill me. I stole their  ship as revenge and sold it to them. Then they tpad koi in to try and kill me. Thankfully elo was on the ship at the time and helped me defend myself from koi and the two newbs in enchanted IRON armour. That was similar to what i was wearing about a week ago (week ago) i then drove the ship near them so they could see me blow it up. They then tpad in three other people. Then elo helped defend then we went away. They were not newbs and elo tried to help me. Not attack newbs.

    Founder and Senator of the Luteus Republic
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    The servers first founded and working Republic

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    Elo Rep role plays…he is Elven Queen so acts like a girl on this server. Pretending to be a girl to avoid bans and what not doesn’t work here. You just made it up and called it pathetic when you or the person in the screenshot doesn’t even know why he does that

    Also those screenshots prove nothing and these accusations are not backed up at all except for what YOU think happened. You can’t get banned for role playing and pretending to be a girl.


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

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    Bit kreepy though.

    The Queen
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    OMG.. How can you tell me what I am… One day we’re gonna teamspeak… Cause I’m tired of you all telling me what I am why my player who is they are…

    i have not said a DAMN word and yet you guys came up with all this that isn’t even true which pisses me off I haven’t skyped any of you haven’t teamspeak any of you haven’t do as anything yet you still wanna post this BS and want everyone to buy into it… If I even post a few second video I might be a little pissed off but I mean it’s rude

    it really irritates me and I have held it in for to long… Stop it! Just stop… Enough with the runors and fake accusations it’s rude and it makes me really pissed… I mean stop saying what I am..

    stop telling people who I am when you don’t know for your self… I mean lol if you want a clip of who I really am? Ok then just post a simple yes at the bottom I will post it

    as long as you all promise to end all of the lies and accuasations because I haven’t even skyped staff on Skype haven’t even skyped a player HERE…. So your pinning me of false evidence and claiming what I am..

    But like I said don’t get mad if I’m a little irritated in the video cause wouldn’t you if they keep posting BS ABOUT YOURSELF AND TELLING PEOPLE WHO YOU ARE when its not even correct..

    I don’t want some big big response I just want a simple yes or no and I will make a few second video.. I’m not in the mood  to talk i just wanna show you all of who I am..

    the real rep no fake covers pictures videos just the real me… If you don’t believe this video idk what else to say to you..  I’m sorry but I’m not gonna put up with this another damn day

    yes for video or no… I just want that answer I want NOTHING ELSE just follow what I asked.

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    about the attack it wasn’t the fact that they were attacking noobs its the fact that they (mainly Icanra) were saying things in global chat like “My final act for tonight I will blow up this ship” it sounded really pretentious and mean especially because these players that they were raiding  had nothing at all it seemed like a raid that they were doing for the soul reason of killing things and annoying people the ship wasn’t even that good.

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    Also I think this server would be a lot better for everyone if we left what sex we are out of the question it is annoying the way if your a girl people will openly doubt that I’d rather we all just ignore what rep might be and might not be

    The Queen
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    I’m in class now I can make it right now…. In serious :/

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    Who cares what Rep things he or she is, this thread is about Rep abusing /back, his mob trying to keep people quite and someone iron door glitching.

    As I said before I dont care how many people attack me its actually quite fun to be attacked by a lot. I just dont like the cheating thats happening and I think its high time staff does something more against specially those 2 points since they come up so often. Waiting for players to post video evidence is to little to late.

    Edit: I also dont care if Rep gets banned or not I just dont want them to be able to glitch through iron doors and /back in to my claim over and over again.

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    Okay @QueenRep i didnt like the post for the reasons you might of thought, i liked it because im glad someone reported the glitching and i liked it also because you guys got in his base and set him straight

    ProWil (formerly Wilson Manzer),
    General Secretariat of The Papal State
    PirateCraft Veteran, circa 2015.

    The Queen
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    Ok I gotcha

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    Also I think this server would be a lot better for everyone if we left what sex we are out of the question it is annoying the way if your a girl people will openly doubt that I’d rather we all just ignore what rep might be and might not be


    Well, I’d like to know what to call Rep. Do I say “he”, “her” or “it”?

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