The Black Diamond

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  • #1925
    Theshiphoo AKA Frederik
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    Me and Lord0Viper (With help from Markusi13) finished this ship today.
    It’s a 10-gun brig, with two bow chaserguns and soon to come, some extra swivelguns in the form of dispensers.
    Anyway here’s some pictures
    Pic1: The ship from the bow
    Pic2: The Poopdeck
    Pic3: The bunkbeds for the crew.

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    Ah The Black Diamond, gonna hire a crew for it soon and there’ll be a lot of requirements if anyone wants to join.

    Captain of the Pirate Crew Black Clover

    See ya maties either behind my cannons or in their line of fire

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    This is awesome! these ships keep getting better, I still haven’t built one!

    On a side not I recently removed the New Providence marker form the map as I thought it was a dead project, when I next upgrade dynmap the ideas I sent to the developer should be included to let players set map markers!

    Theshiphoo AKA Frederik
    • Topics: 13
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    Thank you Tom! And also Lord0Viper! Remember to tell whoever you are hiring that you can live in a house at New Providence. If you work on a ship you don’t get to pay taxes.

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