The Atlantians

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  • #30701
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    Konstruktor and I have made a crew called the Atlantians , we are a 100% neutral crew, we don’t pvp all we do is mine,Build and trade. I have given up my past of pvp and everything all I’m doing is those 3 things along with kon. I hope everyone respects us and does not attack because we do not intend to fight.

    on another hand we are looking for a few members, we don’t need pvpers we need active builders, miners and traders.

    I will be creating a group and if your interested go ahead and either ask in the group or /msg texter495 in game we are both active ourselves so don’t be afraid to ask for an order, or to see are builds or even try sell somethings to us.

    we hope everyone ones again respects are decision by not attacking but enquiring.

    we sell just about everything so just ask what you need and we can try help you out

    thanks for your time see you in game.

    ~~~ Texter495

    ¥Leader Of Atlantians¥

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    I’m impressed Texter, I would not have expected that move from you.

    I would be pleased if we could establish a trade route of sorts, it’s always nice doing business with you.

    « Build Team leader »
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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

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    @maximus_terragon Thank you and we would love to setup a trade route I’m sure we can work things out soon, we would also have in mind BE we would love to get something sorted there. @PaulOnFire @CrazyPirate1

    ¥Leader Of Atlantians¥

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    So you decide to go peaceful right after you push me off a building to take my god?
    “¥Leader Of Flare¥
    ¥Killer Of Elves¥
    ¥Brewer Of God¥

    ¥What More Could You Want?¥”

    “we are a 100% neutral crew, we don’t pvp all we do is mine,Build and trade.”
    seems to be some conflict between your signature and your post :/

    ProWil (formerly Wilson Manzer),
    General Secretariat of The Papal State
    PirateCraft Veteran, circa 2015.

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    @Wilson sorry that signature was old and in my defence that was before the crew and I didn’t even get the God, BrotherStarHat did.

    I’d be happy to replace it though!

    ¥Leader Of Atlantians¥

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