[TESTING NEEDED] Help me test a copy of the server on a new host now! Aug 2019

Home Forums PirateCraft Server Updates [TESTING NEEDED] Help me test a copy of the server on a new host now! Aug 2019

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    I need your help to test the performance of a new bigger and better (In hardware & network) physical server, I have setup a complete copy of PirateCraft Survival from Saturday 17th August 8am backup. This is still 1.12.2 Minecraft.

    Connect to the new host by adding this in your server list: testhost.piratemc.com

    Last Wednesday I managed to get my hands on another server I’ve had my eye on for a few months and I posted this to discord in #general_verified:


    I need some advice that will effect you all; to make a decision if I should move to a new dedicated server. (I’ve apparently accidentally already bought it..)
    I’ve been keeping my eye on a better server (Better CPU, a god damn i7-6700, 64GB of ram instead of 16, 1 GBit/s instead of 100 and the biggest change NVMe SSD instead of a spinning HDD)

    My worry is, its twice as expensive, I currently have 2x Dedis for what this 1 is, I mostly use the second dedi to host the test server & creative server and later on get PvP etc back up, most of these are not that CPU intensive tho.
    Shall we make the switch? Try and put everything onto one Dedi, all these other game servers I’ve tried out tend to just be phases and don’t last like the Survival which is the main focus.
    The major difference will be the physical server location moves from Canada to Germany, they don’t have any USA/Canada based servers, which may increase ping those those in Canada/USA, hopefully not by much.
    – Will this fix the network lag spikes? No idea as neither me or the current host can figure them out, I have a feeling its a plugin/software somehow causing it.

    This kind of thing makes me super anxious and just need some feedback from the community without people being stupid/going off topic, is this the right move?
    The benefits of having 2 dedis: I have a backup server if one dies, I can run a test server full time, entirely separate CPU not shared, We haven’t had any catastrophes that I’ve needed the second dedi as a backup (Touch wood it doesn’t ever happen).
    So mostly hosting a test server, creative and any PVP/Event servers for future.

    I somehow processed the order and have control of this new server without paying, Maybe I signed an agreement without realizing? (its all in damn German).

    Also there’s no going back, once I let our current ones expire I cant get them again and there’s not a replacement at the current cost to performance which they are.
    Do I make the plunge?

    I have the server, I have set it up and its running a duplicate of PirateCraft and ready for people to test.

    Whats different with this new server?

    It should be faster to run the server and host it network wise.

    1. Better CPU i7 7600
    2. More ram, 64gb instead of 16gb
    3. Better network speed, 1 Gbit/s up/down instead of 100 Mbit/s.
    4. Faster read/write speeds NVMe SSD instead of HDD


    1. The physical location moved from Canada to Germany, this may affect the ping speed from people in the United states/Canada
    2. Its more than twice the cost for me per month
    3. We go from having 2 dedicated servers to 1, so we lose the ability to have a backup server, test server and somewhere to just spin up events & games without worrying about performance hitting the main server.

    What do I need you players to test?

    • Actually play for 20-60 minutes and check your /ping throughout this time.
      Take note of different situations you are putting yourself into, teleporting, warp areas, bases with insane amounts of entities, redstone and god knows what else crammed in.

      • Doing /ping as soon as you log in will NOT work, it will show as 0, you have to give it a minute to work.
      • Going into areas with 1000’s of custom heads will drastically change your ping, as the server/client has to download each one of those 1000 custom head skins from an external server, hang around this area for 5 mins and your ping will go down (we tested this at Cysteen’s base, mother of god the amount of custom heads)
    • Does anything seem faster? Teleporting, loading chunks,logging in? This servers using nvme ssd over a traditional spinning HDD, so theoretically unloaded chunks should load drastically faster, its also got way more upload/download speed (10x).
    • Do any plugins no longer work properly? I updated our Java from 8 to 11 which may cause plugins to break or react differently.

    I purposefully didn’t include this test server in /server, so that its not routing all traffic through Canada first! I did test this, and my ping went from ~30-40 in game to 170 once routed through Canada first, So I opted for a direct connection with testhost.piraetmc.com from the server list screen.

    I am also recording pings on the server end, but please do your own tests and reports as you will be able to record much more, faster and have information to go with it.

    If you don’t test, we will stay where we are, do not rely on others to test.

    Final point, I cannot stress this enough, I need YOU to test as soon as possible, I have a very limited time to get this moved if we decide to move, and its entirely based on your feedback if we stay where we are or if I move to this new host in Germany.

    Second phase of testing

    After I get some initial feedback, if its positive, I will change both servers render distance from 3 chunks to 6, 3 chunk render distance is limited for best performance with lots of people on, we should be able to bump this with a new host, and we should be able to see a speed difference when loading more chunks on the new host.

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    House Indoril did some testing yesterday (18/08/2019). We did PvP at /warp arena with about 5-7 people and we tested sailing with indiaman. We also tested a bunch of loaded tnt cannons shooting at the same time with explosiondamage on in Valgard and battles with bow only.

    To keep it short: We think the new host is overrall much, much better.

    The map loaded much faster and without any issues. On the current host we have sometimes chunks that dont even load and we know for sure that its not game related.  Also no issues with increased sight.

    Our ping was around 10ms-40ms even in PvP situations with 5-6 players and a tnt loaded indiaman hitting our city Valgard in the background.

    We didnt notice any lagspikes like there are on the current host. Not even small ones.

    Chests open much faster, hitting things is easier, map loads faster, joining is faster, running around is more fluent and I dont get stuck back all the time.


    I recorded a bunch of the testing we did. I will upload some content and post it when I have the time for it.



    Pashjn – House Indoril

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    Ohhh ahhh! This sounds super fun. I can’t  wait to try this. What to do first. Hmmm mabey test a known iron door glitch? Still hoping something can be done about that. Or test ship sailings to see if it’s smoother. Ohhhhhh I could try riding horses they have been known to glitch/dissapear when you get off them sometimes. Or swimming. I think that was fixed thou. Redstone functions check should be interesting. Tree farms’ auto chest sorting, mob farms. Okay okay I will see what tests I can run. Hmmm a guinea pig perhapse my ha ha ha. Mabey someone will volunteer.


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    House Indoril did some testing yesterday (18/08/2019). We did PvP at /warp arena with about 5-7 people and we tested sailing with indiaman. We also tested a bunch of loaded tnt cannons shooting at the same time with explosiondamage on in Valgard and battles with bow only.

    To keep it short: We think the new host is overrall much, much better.

    The map loaded much faster and without any issues. On the current host we have sometimes chunks that dont even load and we know for sure that its not game related. Also no issues with increased sight.

    Our ping was around 10ms-40ms even in PvP situations with 5-6 players and a tnt loaded indiaman hitting our city Valgard in the background.

    We didnt notice any lagspikes like there are on the current host. Not even small ones.

    Chests open much faster, hitting things is easier, map loads faster, joining is faster, running around is more fluent and I dont get stuck back all the time.

    I recorded a bunch of the testing we did. I will upload some content and post it when I have the time for it.


    Pashjn – House Indoril

    Thank you for this report and thank you all for testing.

    Ohhh ahhh! This sounds super fun. I can’t wait to try this. What to do first. Hmmm mabey test a known iron door glitch? Still hoping something can be done about that. Or test ship sailings to see if it’s smoother. Ohhhhhh I could try riding horses they have been known to glitch/dissapear when you get off them sometimes. Or swimming. I think that was fixed thou. Redstone functions check should be interesting. Tree farms’ auto chest sorting, mob farms. Okay okay I will see what tests I can run. Hmmm a guinea pig perhapse my ha ha ha. Mabey someone will volunteer.

    This is a new host, not plugin re-wrights, known bugs with plugins that have been reported and not fixed wont magically fix themselves lol

    • Iron doors are not “glitch” its just minecraft not having block protection for things like that, that is JUST MINECREAFT
    • Ship sailing seems smoother, not sure why, to me they seemed faster somehow? maybe its the SSD?
    • The horse thing I swear is a plugin/minecraft issue
    • Swimming on a 1.13 client was an issue that was fixed using a 1.12.2 server, it think this was solved in ViaVersion.
    • Redstone/Farming will 100% need checking, as it may be faster
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    I played on the server for 3 1/2 hours straight, and only got 2 spike lags rather than the 3-4 I noramally get.

    I did just about everything you can do, from PvP to sailing ships to shooting cannons to going to /warp cove and /warp shop, and there was actually less lag than normal with everything. Not much more to say about any of that, though I do want to make a mention that the effects were not significant enough, in my completely disregardable opinion, to warrent paying over twice what you already do for a server. With that said, I do want to make it clear that almost everything that had any lag to it before was almost completely ridded of the lag I normally faceed. I’m afraid I forgot to check my framerate though XD

    That’s all I have,


    Peace for all! Why do we descend into the chaos of our lives when we could live in harmony, without bloodshed, violence, or death? I will protect and defend my crew, my family, and let them enjoy as much peace as my life can offer.

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    First off….thanks Godsy, Max, and all the admin/mods for all the work you do to keep this amazing server going. You really do have something special here. I read this message and thought, ok, why not go test it out……

    So in I went….
    I put on my God gear (never done that before) and I left the secure confines of Fortress North. I admit it was a very VERY odd feeling….being outside and in God gear. I never go out anymore. Too scary out there with you grievers. I was a bit nervous the first time I fell, wondering if the Feather Falling would do the trick or I’d lose all this gear when I died due to vanishing (Grievers will get nothing from me anymore! All vanishing even on the test server!). But holy cow! I was insanely strong! I could fall, kill mobs without damage, I was on fire and I didn’t care! How liberating. Now I know how JUSA must’a felt…. without a care in the world! An odd odd odd feeling for a paranoid farmer! I decided to go explore the neighborhood. I found some nice builds by Creeper North of warp North. Then wandered into an unclaimed build. A serious build. I could not believe it was unclaimed. Villagers, resources and a great beacon. I admit, I went a little nutz tearing the place apart…..my bad….but it wasn’t ‘real’, it was just the test server….then it dawned on me. The adrenaline rush kicked in! If this was unclaimed here, then would it not be unclaimed in the ‘real’ world? I wish my kids here to see this, I though how excited they would be about getting beacons!! My lucky day! I finally have found the extra beacons our builds have been wanting, but lacked! I rushed back to the main server. Loaded up on God gear and invis potions (I may be God gear, but I can’t PVP and know it), and went back to the claim. Giddy. So happy that finally I would get the beacons we had wanted for so long for Cat Town……only to be crushed by the reality that it was Romich’s claimed land. Unclaimed in the Test server, but claimed in the real one. So that is my bug report. No beacons for us today. I would have felt bad if I took Romich’s beacons. He has always been nice to me….but I must say proudly, that I do LOVE pineapple on my pizza. Sorry Romich, your test place is trashed.

    I was too nervous to check my ping, but everything played fine. The claim that was at ~886,-4387

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    Bump, please keep feedback coming!

    I changed the network compression to be fully on and this may make a difference.

    Not iwanio
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    The test server is great. That’s the takeaway I got from my playing of the test server.


    Being based in the UK, I expected a bit of a performance boost, but what I got was phenomenal!

    Ping is practically half of what the normal server has in my experience.

    I tried PvP, sailing, pretty much everything I do on the normal server, and the performance was a lot better.



    I was actually better in PvP on the test server than on the regular server.

    Election Commissioner of the British Empire

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    I clicked on the What? option in the poll to try and find out the ip. After finding the IP, i went and tested the server. I got about 115 ping on there (I am on the east coast so that makes sense). Weirdly, I seemed to get less frame drops on the test server.  On the current server, I had a ping of 24 ms (much better). I vote NO, don’t move.

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    Testing the server is so much fun ! Flying the elytra is great for exploring cities and warps – and I didn’t even need to care that I lost one to a tp-trapper , xd.

    I tested sailing my Indiaman – speed seemed just about like the og server, although moving around while cruising seemed a bit less “hoppity” (more smooth).
    Tearing a hole into my forest using 1.5 stacks of TNT to bedrock showed no lag and the server tps did not blip.
    Using Haste 2 while mining works way better on the testhost – the og server sometimes leaves single blocks behind as it seems to not registering all your interactions fast enough. Everything was mined clear on the testhost for me.

    My ping is pretty steady at 125 , with fluctuations between 80-140 which I don’t even register while playing. I only knew because I check it regularly.


    Proud Member of the Piratecraft history 🙂


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    Swampfoot did some testing and the new server is much better in short. My ping is up to 300% better and I hope that this also fixes the lag spikes that have become such a nuisance on the main server.

    ~Life Is what you make it
    Price Of The Elven Empire

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    I myself did some testing just now. I pvped ofc amongst other Things, like running along my autofarms and trying to upset my ping. I never experienced a ping higher than 27, even at warp shops. The steady ping in my base was at 17. Overall massive improvment in game experience quality. I can’t even put to words how enthusiastic I am. However, as all pvper know that do it on all Kinds of various servers, at a certain Level of skill, ping plays a substatial role. Those who live on the eastcoast of the us, or elsewhere far away from Europe, will obviously have the exact opposite experience as I did. They will be worse in pvp, not because they are worse, but because europeans will outrank them pingwise. Godsdead, I believe the decision should be based on the amount of Players logging in from eu vs us. That’s what I would do. Not really sure about the Price increase, I know way too litle about severs and current server income to make a wise judgment on that. Anyhow, I would love to see the change.

    ps; Im high AF rn 😀



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    While I like the sound of a possible server upgrade, my time testing yielded no significant cause to pursue this one.

    My location: North East US

    I tested a variety of farms, warps, some sailing etc. The shops in particular showed no improvements. There seemed to be some small smoothing improvements, however occasional lag spikes most likely on client/ping side persisted. This is concerning since I was alone on the test server at the time, and once it is populated I feel the upgrade will yield no better results in gameplay if not worsen it. My ping on the test server rested roughly 5x what it does on the main server now.

    I agree with grafando in that it may be an as needed decision by player masses and their regions. I shall endeavor to do more testing as long as the server is still open, but for now I do not see enough benefit for such a move.

    - Think outside the blocks -

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    I hear your worries about ping may affect your PvP, during the test period over 10 were in a giant PvP battle and had no issues, I will keep looking for a us/Canada based dedicated server equivalent, but at present they just can’t compete at price or hardware, a small ping increase for over seas but the server will react faster to absolutely everything.

    I will be making a website page on how to improve your internet and ping for best possible connection from your ends and I have also kept the old hosting dedicated server if we find it’s unplayable which I highly doubt and suspect this is a lot of saying things without actually playing like I asked.

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