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    My Username: awesomecowyt

    Player(s) Being Reported.
    Username: technogomez
    UUID: ea21d327-85c7-4f45-b5e4-8f60c13064f0
    Punishment Tracker URL: https://bans.piratemc.com/index.php?player=technogomez&server=0&action=searchplayer

    Reason for Report Its one of 2 hacking(tracers) or using some texture pack that makes either invis visible or particles easier to see
    {breaking rules, cheating, glitching, duping, xraying, exploiting, hacking (Using a hacked client), harassing, griefing}

    Overview Description of Report
    i was raiding him and someone else that left so i couldnt get username but when i was approaching island they just glanced in my direction and started shooting at me there was nothing that should have given me away i think then again when i swam around the otehr side of the island they again started shooting with no sort of warning

    Detailed Information
    i was raiding him and someone else that left so i couldnt get username but when i was approaching island they just glanced in my direction and started shooting at me there was nothing that should have given me away i think then again when i swam around the otehr side of the island they again started shooting with no sort of warning a time before i was recording i hit them with an axe to test something after they hit me where i was standing when i hit them with the axe i moved 15 blocks away they were able to track me that whole time with particles barely coming off


    -Emperor of The Mayan Empire, AhawCow

    • Topics: 68
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    • Total: 549
    • ★★★★★★


    Being handled in the ticket system, please respond in there if you wish us to keep going on this case.


    Grandmaster of the Teutonic Order

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