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  • #50445
    Ic3y ;]
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    So I was thinking;  wouldnt it be good to punch a chest and have the items go into your inv in the order you want them?

    I’m suggeting players can make their own ‘kits’ or ‘loadouts’ (maybe donaters only) where you fill out an inventory GUI and then punch a chest , name the kit (only redeemable if sufficient items avaliable) then its given to you. This would be awesome for quick easy pvp loadouts because i spend ages organising and sorting and clicking just to be killed by The Cap xD. Jokes a side I think this could potentialy be a valid idea?


    Again Idk how hard this would be to impliament as I only program Java at an amatuer level.


    Thanks Id love to hear Feed back

    Cba to spell and grammar check so excuse errors <3



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    Make your own private sign shop with one or more chest and a sign.  Load the items you want in your “go bag” in the reverse order you want them to appear in your inventory (it loads into your inventory starting in the lower right slot first).  Make a buy sign (really place it anywhere safe) and link the chest.  After linking the chest you can load backup sets into the chest(s).  Set your price to either: 1) something you can afford and then hide the sign really well or 2) something really high that you wouldn’t mind selling the kit for anyway.  When you click to buy you spend your money and get paid the same right back so no cost.

    Prime Minster
    British Empire

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    Make your own private sign shop with one or more chest and a sign. Load the items you want in your “go bag” in the reverse order you want them to appear in your inventory (it loads into your inventory starting in the lower right slot first). Make a buy sign (really place it anywhere safe) and link the chest. After linking the chest you can load backup sets into the chest(s). Set your price to either: 1) something you can afford and then hide the sign really well or 2) something really high that you wouldn’t mind selling the kit for anyway. When you click to buy you spend your money and get paid the same right back so no cost.

    We have a genius. You should make this a mini tutorial with signs, and Ill add it to the cove.

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