[Suggestion] Remove Fire Spread

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  • #51177
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    As the title states, I’m suggesting the removal of fire spread to promote ship use.

    At the moment, it is relatively easy for a player, particularly donators with /top, to board and sink a ship with just a flint and steel. Obviously fear of losing a ship like this prevents many people ever setting sail. Personally I’d happily watch my sink ship under enemy cannon fire, but one naked invis guy with a flint and steel in the rigging doesn’t have the same appeal.

    As its only other use is to grief enemy land or ruin terrain, I don’t see why anyone would miss it all that much!



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    The Queen
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    I agree with this one a lot

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    You can always just ironclad up your ship with stone bricks and it will be much harder to set ablaze.

    John Archaius - The Inventor whose machines usually blow up.

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    Or just make a rule saying that using /top for combat advantage is illegal…i need to be able to torch ships after killing the captains 🙁

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    @InventorJohn Do you realise how ugly that would look…..

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    Cant you place some tnt on it instead jusa? or steal it?

    ~ Former Admiral in the British Empire ~
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    @Snapcrackplays It would essentially look like a ship covered in a bunch of pieces of metal welded together, like any old ship made of metal. Not everything that is pretty is powerful.

    John Archaius - The Inventor whose machines usually blow up.

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    If you’re that worried about a ship being destroyed make a copy of it on single player so you can rebuild it.

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    or maybe reduce the tick speed so that fire spreads a lot less quickly. would make controlling forest fires or ships manually a tad bit easier. reducing the tick speed would help  ease up on lag a tiny bit too.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

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    Its not so much about losing it, I’m happy to build new ships, its more more about not getting a chance to actually fight with it before its burst into flames.


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    Maybe, Browe, if you got the first hit off, then the fight would be more fun instead of you basically just tending to all of the fires everywhere.

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    Maybe, but nothing stops them from boarding after that first hit anyway.


    It also doesn’t help when someone without a ship boards you to sabotage.

    ~ Former Admiral in the British Empire ~
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    I agree.

    I mentioned this in the past, and I can’t remember the reason for keeping it.

    It would be global though, There is a setting to keep fire spread but turn off fire destroying.

    Edit: Disabled Fire Spread

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    why turn off fire spread. I like to burn stuff. Fire can also be very useful in clearing land. Plus barely anyone even sails. And if your ship gets burned while in dock that’s your problem for not claiming it. So please turn on firespread.

    The turtles will rise...

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    why turn off fire spread. I like to burn stuff. Fire can also be very useful in clearing land. Plus barely anyone even sails. And if your ship gets burned while in dock that’s your problem for not claiming it. So please turn on firespread.

    So do the other 100,000 players we have had on PirateCraft, thats a lot of people burning down forests, then we have new peolpe join the server and only see destroyed land.

    I have to admit after turning this off, its so much nicer to have forests around the map.

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