Suggestion: Modification to Chairs

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    Hi there,

    Recently been trying to create some interesting chair designs but unfortunately I can’t sit in them! I understand the restrictions on the plugin are to stop people constantly sitting whilst building/placing stair blocks but I hope this suggestions allows for greater variety of design without becoming a nuisance!

    Simply, my suggestion is to allow the use of banners (in addition to signs) to create a useable chair! I don’t know how easy it is for this to be implemented but would be a welcome addition in my opinion.

    *See attached image of sexy chair designs awaiting existential gratification!*


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    I’m not sure if this is doable with the plugin as it seems very complicated to implement, but I do like me some sexy chairs ;D

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    This is possible, I had used a plugin which enabled you to sit on any kind of staircase, no matter what else you put around it.However, it was extremely annoying because you would often sit on chairs by mistake.If I remember correctly though, it had an option to change the buttons you had to use in order to sit.

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    Chairs are categorized by “sit blocks” Aka stairs in this case, they can be any block, and “valid-signs” which means the side parts of the chair, This plugin actually has a ton of unused features, at present it auto-rotates the player to sit in the right direction, has a max width of 3 for a chair, it HAS to have “signs” either side to make sure you don’t accidentally sit on walkways or roofs (How annoying), you can even change how far away from the chair you need to be before you can sit, this is set to 2 blocks.

    Features we don’t use:

    • The ability to add effects from sitting
    • If player do or do not pick up dropped items while sitting
    • Restrictions from sitting (Not being able to use specific commands while sitting)
    • All messages are configurable

    As for your suggestion, I do like it! Im not saying it will work, but I will give it a go, most plugins have issues detecting banners, this is why we cant have them on ships, I will try it live on the server as a reload is not needed of the server 🙂 I will get back if it works or not.


    Added banners and they work!

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    Thank you for implementing this!! I know its only a small tweak but has made a big difference for my build!

    Thanks again, Browe

    ~ Former Admiral in the British Empire ~
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