[Suggestion] Custom Pictures Or Paintings

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    Hello all,

    Many of us can agree that most vanilla paintings of Minecraft are horrendous. They don’t fit many build themes and only a select few look hangable, which can become redundant in a build. I have devised two suggestions to solve this problem.

    1. Godsy creates a creative plot world where people can build “paintings” that can be rendered on a map. This map can be copied over to PirateCraft and used as a painting there, as when placed in an item frame it will display the image built. Here is a link for an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhU2VAizgSo

    2: Allow the use of a plugin to take internet images (png, etc) to be displayed on item frames with a simple command. Here are a few plugins that could work: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/framepicture.29631/



    These abilities/perms could be a perk for a donator rank if wanted to be controlled, but this can be used to have actual paintings that could match a build and provide an endless amount of creative uses. This is just a suggestion that would need to be thought out further, but I believe this could be a great addition to PirateCraft.

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    I completely agree with you Nicky, the default paintings just don’t cut it anymore.
    Hopefully, one of the things you listed above gods will approve 😀
    Look forward to what happens.

    ProWil (formerly Wilson Manzer),
    General Secretariat of The Papal State
    PirateCraft Veteran, circa 2015.

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    It’s surprising paintings have never received an update in all these years. I wish the devs would implement a pop up menu whenever you place a picture. It can’t be that hard, surely?

    Both ideas are appealing, #2 sounds easier and more fun. Of course, one can’t control what kind of imagery is displayed…

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    Love this idea! There are barely any usable default paintings but they could add so much more detail to a build if they weren’t so ugly/unrecognisable!

    What about creating a new set of paintings specific to Piratecraft? It could be cool for the server to have a selection of pirate themed paintings eg. ships, lighthouse, pots and pans, weapons rack of cutlasses or pistols, skull and crossbones, treasure map, papers and ledgers, a world map etc. etc.

    ~ Former Admiral in the British Empire ~
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    sounds great, but like Paul said, no one can control the content, so…..it just takes one….. “images off the internet” – sounds like it could be trouble, just saying – so yeah go for it, but don’t be surprised when …

    Brother Kanube, head of the Order of St. Ender, Watcher of the Void
    ~~~~~ from the dust of the void all is made, and to the void it returns~~~~~

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    Perhaps we could create a system where you have to apply for the permission to use this, and only trusted players are given this privilege? It would be possible to see which player had posted something so it would be unlikely for a player who has invested a lot of time on the server to post something obscene as they would end up getting banned.


    Ex Prime Minister of the British Empire

    Crew History: TEE, Delta, Enigma, BE

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    they havent done this paul because people want them llamas 😛


    btw u can already do this with maps on a claimed area, if someone is good at pixel art, they can use chunk boarders and make a 2D picture and save it onto a map, and then display it. as long as the original plot of land doesnt get destroyed/changed, the map will be a custom picture forever 🙂


    ps. as many maps can be created, but if people wanted to control the picture, they can build up to build height or sth to keep people from getting in and using maps themselves 🙂



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    I remember building these on previous servers… Now that was great fun.

    I highly recommend option 1, and 2 seems good. Would it be possible to do both?

    We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.
    -Benjamin Franklin

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    Easier way to control content that is viewed; We get one of our server youtubers to make a simple video on how to edit the texture pack images for paintings, heck I could probably even do it. You show players how to do it, they can put up whatever they want because it will be client side viewed only. Only issue is if people are posting unpleasant things in screenshots on the forums, which can be monitored without too much trouble.

    - Think outside the blocks -

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    Yeah, I was aiming at something server wide. Client side I could easily accomplish by editing my texture pack ; but what is the purpose if everyone else still sees a stupid pig? I want something that can be seen and enjoyed  community-wide. I do understand that it is possible to do the first option as of now in Pirate Craft, but it uglies up an area and would probably be siegable.Therefore hours of work could be ruined by any troll that decided to siege and grief. Paintings made on a creative server would be archived and protected, as they are infact works of art. But, I can also how such a mechanic would not work well, so I really am hoping for the use of a plugin despite its issues.

    I think the idea of applying for the use of the plugin or making it a donator perk  will make it easier to prevent abuse. If something like this was implemented, I can see sooo much potential added to the Pirate Craft build community. @godsy I think we have some good opinions, suggestions, and criticisms here; what do you think?

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    Should we charge them to make the map, or even get to the creative world? Also, why don’t we have the feature that each map structure has to be checked through by staff? If you’ve built it, it wouldn’t be much time in comparison to wait. Also, it would obviously stop unwanted maps getting into the world, and discourage those who would use it badly, knowing they would never be able to use it, and be given a ban or punishment immediately.

    Also, it seems almost a waste to have a creative world exclusively for these ‘paintings’. What other purposes could it have? Build contests?

    And I have so many ideas for paintings… If this comes through, I may not ever appear on the survival XD.

    We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.
    -Benjamin Franklin

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    And thinking about it, it would be a great way for non-elite to gain money. Those who can afford it could pay people to assist in making these maps, because I assure you, this is a long task.

    We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.
    -Benjamin Franklin

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    I’ve used this before, what you are suggesting is overly insane for a very simple solution, simple solution, use the same resource pack, or create a resource pack for the server to use, there are a few threads about this already.

    Godsy creates a creative plot world where people can build “paintings” that can be rendered on a map.

    This alone, by itself is insane:

    1. We don’t have the resources to add another creative server (we already have one for builders) on this main server, I would need to Setup a second server on our bungee, which then has these issues:
      1. Cross server paintings; Would need a way to sync between servers? Just for paintings?!
      2. Inventory across worlds, I assume you need to make a selection of the initial plot to create the painting, and then bring that to the overworld?
        1. This means, you want to share Inventory between Overworld and a creative world.. No you cannot have creative and bring items into the survival, Sure its possible to limit what you can, this is getting insane…
        2. Duple glitches; When you start having certain things sync between servers, new issues occur, mostly dupe glitching.

    The Idea itself is a great one, the implementation is terrible. There is no easy technical method to do this, the time spent on implementing something insane like this, could be used to implement one of the millions of projects that would change and add gameplay to the server, if there was a quick simple solution (Adding a new resource pack) that solves the issue entirely, I know it makes sense to have paintings show for everyone no matter on TP, but this is a crazy solution at present.

    I do plan on having a creative anyway, in general. We have a lot of big projects to complete first before I even get to this though.

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    What about adding a texture pack that automatically downloads and only applies to certain items/blocks regardless of the players texture pack?

    I’ve seen it done before where players can still use default or their own texture pack but certain things have a server wide texture based on this overlay. This could have many applications beyond just paintings including muskets, server event mobs etc.

    I’m sure there must be some talented artists within the community who could try their hand at designing the textures for your consideration!

    ~ Former Admiral in the British Empire ~
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    I make all of my skins, I imagine blocks would be no different


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