Statue Bases

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  • #25682
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    Hello, I would like to ask if it would be alright if building in statues could not be allowed? Now here’s my reason: Because they’re in admin claimed areas, they’re unsiegable. As you can understand, this is bit of an issue. Why? Well, whoever puts their vault in their statue, is COMPLETELY safe from sieges and people trying to attack them. Their statue becomes the best base in the server but not because of their building talents or anything of the sort. Their base is the best simply because they can take advantage of the statues (adding to the “Pay-to-win” side of the server, which does exists but just isn’t as bad as most servers.)


    I would like to request that building and living in statues not be allowed, or at the very least make it so chests and other container items not be allowed in the statues so that way people can’t turn their statues into a vault, thus ruining the PVP side of the server.

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    I think what your saying Elex is true actually.


    But I think to make it at least maybe that possibly bit nicer, one chest per statue could be reached.


    ‘Sentimental’ items to yourself could be kept in there, things which if you lost would upset you deeply.


    I know I don’t really have any ‘sentimental’ items but im sure to soon.

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    I think what your saying Elex is true actually. But I think to make it at least maybe that possibly bit nicer, one chest per statue could be reached. ‘Sentimental’ items to yourself could be kept in there, things which if you lost would upset you deeply. I know I don’t really have any ‘sentimental’ items but im sure to soon.

    Something such as a brewing book or maybe a gift from another player perhaps?

    • Topics: 2
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    Hello, I would like to ask if it would be alright if building in statues could not be allowed? Now here’s my reason: Because they’re in admin claimed areas, they’re unsiegable. As you can understand, this is bit of an issue. Why? Well, whoever puts their vault in their statue, is COMPLETELY safe from sieges and people trying to attack them. Their statue becomes the best base in the server but not because of their building talents or anything of the sort. Their base is the best simply because they can take advantage of the statues (adding to the “Pay-to-win” side of the server, which does exists but just isn’t as bad as most servers.) I would like to request that building and living in statues not be allowed, or at the very least make it so chests and other container items not be allowed in the statues so that way people can’t turn their statues into a vault, thus ruining the PVP side of the server.

    I believe there is signs at /warp donate stating that the statues are to be hollow anyways.

    • Topics: 9
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    @Block – People such as DirectorAnivian use it as an actual base or vault it seems.

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    You have a very skewed thought process on pay2win, The donator ranks have been designed to NOT be pay2win. pay to win is buying items to make you stronger than the competition, not a vault. pay2win is selling kits, pay2win is giving donators stupid insane thing in kits.

    How can I tell this is a complete bullcrap post? Because all sub-claims were removed at some point in time when griefprevention updated, which means all statues no longer have sub-claims for people to build in.

    The fact you were too lazy to go /warp donate and then check at least one makes this post just a dig at me, so no.


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