Stats player page update

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    We have had a pretty crummy stats UI for players since the

    So everything I added is unique to PirateCraft:

    • Added recent players killed, with Avatars, Hover over tooltips with in-depth information showing item killed with and the total amount of times in total
    • Breakdown of movement, with custom function to describe each movement type, each with its own custom colored icon
    • Recent deaths list, which also shows the deaths by players 🙂
    • Re-ordered the layout to better work with browser & mobile devices, easier reading and quick glance panel.
    • Another function to display custom world name.
    • SO much more to come, many many ideas!

    My next update will be a PVP page, Then adding some graphs and more in-depth in-game data, Money is off, thats a problem with the stats developer!


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    A job well done. I’m Baking you a cake and might show u a wizardly secret. 😛 Very Very nice job

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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    Yayyyyy more stats 😀

    btw the coding for this website is beautiful… <3

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

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    So I tried to check out my stats to see how many more blocks I must break to rank up but my player name doesn’t seem to exist in the database. When creating this forum account I wasn’t allowed to use that underscore as the first character so it is just @CaptainD instead of @_CaptainD. Is there a way you can link the accounts manually on your end if that is the case? Stats don’t show up for either CaptainD or _CaptainD if that helps.


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    I have an idea for a statistic to be added, I think it would be cool if there was one for how many times you’ve fainted from drinking too much alcohol!

    Always be yourself, unless you can be a pirate. Then always be a pirate. ☠

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    @CaptainD I haven’t got around to updating to the new stats interface I have made, you can see a live test version at

    Not possible, its not recorded as a stat.

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    Yes that worked thanks.


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    Any idea when the will be live on the regular piratemc – website ?

    Player data there still don’t show .

    Also, the griefprevention regions in the live map dont show – or is that on purpose ?


    Proud Member of the Piratecraft history 🙂

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    The griefprevention claims will not be shown until the plugin works properly, its very broken running at 2000%, so I had to disable it.

    As I have said, I am having to code this stats system myself, its a LOT of work, once I am happy that it’s not hammering my server with requests I will upload it, everything on is live direct from the server at present, so use that for now.

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