Soapy was muted

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  • #81275
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    Current Username: soapyaxolotl
    Username when muted: soapyaxolotl
    Your punishment tracker link:
    Muted by: @Coldat

    Hi i dont know if this is the right forum for unmute requests but this was the closest i could find

    i am truly sorry from the bottom of my heart. i shouldnt have made the joke about what i did. Looking back at it i to be honest dont understand what i did wrong for a perm mute

    no offence

    please unmute me i have not been able to speak to my friends for days i am starting to lose crew members and close friends because of this.. i also rented a shop while muted, and i forgot that i cant write on signs when muted. So yeah.. (it was expensive :'{ )

    i will not do it again.

    i am very sorry if you do unmute me i thank you a load from deep in my heart along with all gratitude but if you dont i understand that i was norty and shouldnt have said what i did yknow

    please tell me if this is the wrong section for unmutes and also can i send an unmute request for 2 people at a time? :]


    sorry for what i did i know it was wrong i have said this alot so i will stop it now

    but sorry again :’) 

    thank you for your time whoever reads this 😀

    Yours truly




    • Topics: 25
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    You will not be unmuted as you have not been able to go 48hrs without attempting to bypass your mute.  Maybe try following the rules first before appealing.

    Your permanent mute was due to your constant lack of consideration for the chat related rules on our server, a total of 18 temporary mutes.  You can view the reason for these at:

    You can use shop signs to buy/sell, you cannot use shop signs to bypass your mute.  Hopefully that clears things up for you.



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