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  • #51979
    Joe Allen
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    Hi, I recently joined the server and am really amazed by the cove and the ships and plug-ins in general.

    I noticed a really large grounded wreck near the cove, and I think it would be cool if randomly occurring wrecks complete with the remnants of cargo/crew (i.e. zombies/skeletons, if they could be customised with a pirate themed skin even better!) appeared on beaches/reefs or in the middle of the sea.

    Just an idea, any thoughts?


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    Sounds cool to me. the problem though is that it would be hard to refresh them, and you dont want to constantly add new ones as eventually they will clutter the map.

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    This would be amazing, but I would have to redo the world for this to happen.

    If you can find a way to generate a world with shipwrecks and loot, ill create another additional world to loot for an event!

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