Ship Types

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  • #5842
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    Ahoy young Scallywags!


    I am after locations for every single ship type so i can get some new screens and refresh the ships info page. So i’m calling you awful smelly buccaneers to help me out on info for the whereabouts of every ship type.

    Name & Co-Ords please.

    To refresh your minds:

    • Dhow
    • Raft
    • Schooner
    • Submarine
    • Brig
    • Frigate
    • Galleon
    • Manowar
    • Indiaman

    The quicker you get back to me the better! i might also be able to throw in a  few treats for a reward.


    Crazy Pirate
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    I have some dhows at Port Royal, I hope you know where that is! If not I’ll edit co-ords into my reply.

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    It would be best if these ship types were not stuck in ports, so screenshots can be taken in open seas or with a nice backdrop.

    may I recommend taking a schematic copy and pasting it in a desired location.

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    Trying to get my submarine to work atm. I also have a Brig and a Galleon at my port in Karjat [-4657, 65,-5073].

    I’ll trust you to my claims so you can sail them wherever you want 😉

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    Hopefully most are sailable?  so if i could get the owner or “borrow” then that’ll work.

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    Frigate at cords below. Built by Athen so you know it’s lookin good. PM me and I can move it out to sea or let you sail. Our desert fort should actually look pretty good in the background too.
    X: -6,120
    Y: 64
    Z: -405

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    at 1463 65 279 is a umm i never checked it, ill edit this post one i do. around  1570 65 150 north of it is a dhow and south is a submarine and south of that is another submarine. btw the first one is also built by athen.

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    Thanks guys! Ill get to these and see what i come up with.

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    My indiaman (co ords to follow) should hopefully do … With any luck, I’ll finish her over the weekend 🙂 (you know the one im talking about, Super :-))

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