SeconDeath's Gear Returned~News Edition: 18

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    PirateCraft Articles


    SeconDeath’s Gear Returned!

    After the culprit of the vault caper had been found out, some top pvpers gathered together to raid the man who had done the dastardly deed. This latest raid on Willzo was an all out success as the raiders gathered the gear that had been taken from SeconDeath’s Vault. The main players who made this such a success were Reptaria, Jmoney, JavaInvader, and iTexter. These players all claim that everything of Secon’s was returned to his vault for him to keep for awhile to come.


    iTexter and JavaInvader Get Heated!

    After the raid on Willzo iTexter and JavaInvader argued to the press about who should get the credit for the plan that brought so much success for the raiders. In the attachments below is an excerpt from the argument observed by yours truly.


    DirectorAnivian’s Giveaway!

    On the 31st of January DirectorAnivian will be holding a giveaway, you must enter the giveaway before that date to be considered a participant. For information on how to enter:

    PirateCraft Media Channel Update video + New Year Giveaway!




    Sanguine Court Is Recruiting!

    ”Freedom gained in death, released from the bonds of life. We rise again, free of Life’s misery and evaded Death’s grasp. Through blood forged a bond stronger than iron, and stand as one. We are the defers of Life and Death, united as family, and bleed as one.” (Contact Lucky_Vincentus for more information)

    The HEE Is Recruiting

    The High Elven Empire are looking for mature players who aren’t playing just for the fact that they can pvp. The HEE want members who are the best at what they do and can be an example of a strong Elven Group to the entire server. (Contact Browe or Xadiez for more information)

    VaultTec Industries Are Recruiting!

    This is the self-same group that made the beautiful vaults featured in the second part of the paper. Vault-Tec is an up and coming crew who are currently recruiting dwellers. Vault-Tec is led by the former military commander of EE. (Contact Rubihube or Lithvather for more information)

    Wielders of Conscience are Recruiting!

    Looking for players willing to work on resolving conflict on all levels. (msg Zeref_Dragneel2 in game or pm on site to join)

    Elven Empire is recruiting!

    We are United, We are Strong, We are the elven Empire-3 Kingdoms
    (msg Reptaria for more information on how to join)

    The Thirteen Colonies is Rercuiting!

    /msg NickyB_123 to join the Thirteen Colonies! They are looking for many more members to join them in their adventures, take a look!

    Need a Hired Mercenary to do some dirty work? /Mail or /Msg iTexter InGame

    Warp Advertisements:

    Buy all your basic needs and more from /warp food

    Warp Food, Food is under new management and is being restocked!


    Quote of the Day: As iTexter once said: “No matter what, Everyone is Greedy.” ~ iTexter, 2016

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    "Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te."
    -"I can live neither with you, nor without you."- ~ Uta

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    good job guys and all my respect !

    if that are not real friends i dont know either, let’s not make there hard work getting the stuff back be for nothing right ?!

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    I feel like it was a job well done.  I just wonder how this is going to play out within the next week or so…

    A promise made is a debt unpaid.
    -Robert W. Service

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    For ducks sake.. I am taking 0 credit. All credit should go to @Jmoney he’s the one that got us in and sieges I only assisted in the killing and Restoring of items in the vault. Hats off to Jmoney!



    a side note to anyone that participated and gazed in awe and may have slipped away with some stuff…. I WILL FIND YOU AND END YOU.

    thanks <3



    “I am a man of peace.”

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

    Smokey River
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    I love reading these. Everyone who contributed to the news keep it up! As for the raid good job to all you helped m, regardless of who started it.


    I solemnly swear I am up to no good.


    -Founder of Crew Savage-
    -Rear Admiral or Super Mod-
    *depends on how you want to view my super powers*

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    not all of it tho lol, 8 custom dia swords remain and a dub chests of stacks of dia plus 24 blocks is left… lel

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    1. jesus christ secon dubs of dias? XD

    2. i really want to congradulate jmoney java text and repppppppp on a job well done in raiding willzo (im sorry if other ppl were there, i had to go almost immediately after i saw u guys raiding him XD) (and i didnt take anything from the vault fyi because i wouldnt do that and all i could do at the time was point out a chest of captain gear lol)

    3. and secon does this mean you will be staying on the server? 😀


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    <span style=”color: #555555; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 22.4px; background-color: #fbfbfb;”>3. and secon does this mean you will be staying on the server? </span>?

    I won’t let him leave even if he tries <3

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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