Second Unban Appeal / I'm Sorry

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    Current Username: CreeperShrekPlay
    Username when banned: CreeperShrekPlay

    UUID: UUID (You can get it from

    Your punishment tracker link:

    Banned By: Maximus Terragon

    Unban Appeal

    It’s me again, Creeper. In apologize to the staff and Owner GodsDead. I got banned for ADVERTISING! I truly, regret it I apologize deeply! I made some stupid mistakes, but this by far has been the dumbest thing ever! I’m Sorry, I promise I lost of people, friends (and g sets)! Anyways I’m sorry for advertising anything in the past, and I guarantee you it won’t happen in the future..AT ALL! Please Accept this terrible curse that’s upon me! I am usually beg a lot, this time I am sincere about it. I am a idiot, annoying, and retard! I am sorry, I lost a lot of friends from this sever! Look, I apologize and if I ever get the chance to come back on this sever IT WON’T HAPPEN AGAIN! Please, accept it I’m sorry.



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    • Topics: 15
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    I completely support this unban please unban CreeperPlays.ย 


    Governor in Rome.
    Former High_Capal Of TNRR.
    โ€œTo give up withought even trying is nothing but lazinessโ€

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    Thankyou Cosmic ๐Ÿ˜‰


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    Keep you'r friends rich
    and you'r enemies rich
    and wait to find out which is which.

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    ๐Ÿ™ i’m a bit concerned

    The turtles will rise...

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    Depends on what you think.

    I looked at spam checker and it was on the same day.

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    Gonna close this as its old, it was a deny for now sorry. We’ll be in contact if this changes

    ยซ Build Team leader ยป
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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

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