Schematica…. Allowed OR NOPE

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    Smokey River
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    So the question has come about recently on if “Schematica” is allowed.

    The answer is no. I am correcting any miscommunication up until this point.


    Only Optifine is Allowed on this server.

    *ADDNOTE- Unless you have been told otherwise by the server owner GodsDead*




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    So what i want to ask is : It has been proven to me that other people have been given permission to use schematica and i am wondering why isn’t made so everyone can use schematica

    Sorry for causing you trouble

    BrotherStrawhat Leader of the Strawhat Prison Work Force

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    i don’t see why it shouldn’t be allowed other then printer which places blocks for you, which is blocked by NCP. So you are just using it as a building guide really

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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    I’m going to let @GodsDead address this himself.

    The only thing I’ll say is that currently using Forge Mod Loader is not allowed and the user can be banned for using it. If we allow Schematica we implicitly grant use of Forge Mod Loader. This makes it very difficult for us to police it’s use.

    Also, assuming that we allow this at some point, this does not mean you can start installing every mod in the book so don’t ask me in game. If and when Schematica is approved you may submit additional requests here. Just remember GodsDead defines the rules, we only enforce them.

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    The Queen
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    I agree with Java, it is a basic simple building guide and is no real harm.

    -does not change your pvp on the battlefield

    -does not give you ultimate atvantages on getting resources

    -it helps you with building very complex things which is hard to use in a normal tutorial video.

    -it does not give you any blocks on any level, it can show you what you might need.

    Other builders in the minecraft community who build massive things use schematica to help them, if it is copying a design from a previous build they made and simply putting that as a add on to help them finish to helping you see how large your build will be.

    It is no diffrent then watching a video on YouTube, or copy a style of a build on the Internet in general and use it, all it does is give you a 3D look at how It can be placed

    i do understand forge is tricky but trust is a big factor to and if you have ever been banned from hacks or using OP mods

    This is Schematica:

    Only I find fair is that if you do use it you can’t submit any builds in BOTM because BOTM is for players who have there own builds without help.

    I agree mc we should wait for gods to use the final word but I think that it could be allowed?

    I’m perfectly fine with the final answer if it is yes or a no.



    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    The reason some people were allowed to use it was because it wasn’t a publicly requested rule, as soon as I write something its set in stone and then there is no leniency to allow some people that would never consider abusing these tools, as soon as “one” mod is allowed then a whole bunch will then be requested.

    But since I have been asked to clear this up, Schematica is NOT allowed, as it opens up pandoras box of “what else can forge run“, the issue is it uses forge; which has a substantial amount cheating “mods” that would ruin a survival server. As @mcshovel stated, no Forge, which means no Schematica.

    Crazy Pirate
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    One more thing…

    It’s not completely harmless. We had this discussion ages ago, and the fact game up that you could make a schematic of someone’s base on this server, which would obviously give you a huge advantage, and the ability to explore all the nooks and crannies of their base. It’s invaluable as a tool, yes, but you can just as easily open up two minecraft clients, one in single player and one on the server, and switch between the two when you need a guide with a build.

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    If forge is not aloud then why is shaders aloud? Shaders requires a forge client. When you opened up the shaders mod you have opened up a lot of questions about mods so i dont see why there is a point in banning schematica.



    BrotherStrawhat leader of the Strawhat Prison Work Force

    The Queen
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    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    Actually, that is incorrect. Forge is not required to run shaders.

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    @Godsdead @SmokeyRiver If forge is not aloud then why is shaders aloud? Shaders requires a forge client. When you opened up the shaders mod you have opened up a lot of questions about mods so i dont see why there is a point in banning schematica. Sincerely BrotherStrawhat leader of the Strawhat Prison Work Force

    Cant answer that without repeating what I just wrote, please re-read the first section. Also you just need optifine, not forge.

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    @MinecraftVentura There are some players who cannot use optifine so what about them?

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    What about them? If someone isnt capable of downloading optifine they probably aren’t capable of downloading forge either.

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    Here is a cool idea guys, Stop Bitching about all this play the game like a big boy and stop cheating.

    Game over let it go move on.


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