ROME and Other Players Harassing and Threatening SIX16 and Crews (Fixed version)
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- This topic has 16 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 10 months ago by
May 6, 2020 at 5:49 pm #66524
My Username: Empire_Gaming and the rest of the SIX16 crew
Players Reported:
CosmicTaco, Okamily, AlliceCheese, Hardeharhar, Tatical_Nuker, Solembus, ZackBacon, Griffu, PhenixyFlame
Reason for Report:
So this is going to be a long report with a ton of S*** that needs to be taken care of. So ROME came to our base to siege us and they brought some other players. The siege went wrong after one certain incident that I will get to in a minute.
CosmicTaco was verbally harassing us, saying how he was going to sell our base, and kept telling us to leave because it is now his base apparently. He said that he would come back everyday until we unclaimed the base and handed it over to him. He also stayed at our base for hours so we could not do anything and he also claimed land around our base to keep us from expanding and to encourage us to hand it over to him.
Okamily, AlliceCheese, Hardeharher, Tatical_Nuker, and Solembus were involved with the stuff CosmicTaco was saying also. All these players were saying the same things. After CosmicTaco would say something they would just support him and pretty much say the same things he was saying to us about leaving.
ZackBacon is the reason ROME got into our base. ZackBacon fell down one of our traps and once he fell down one of our traps, once he fell down the trap he exploited a glitch that only captains have access to. The glitch is that you can e-pearl into a wall and do it multiple times and eventually glitch through the wall. (We know about this glitch because one of our friends showed it to us). Once he got in he teleported all the ROME members and players helping into our base. After that he would start excessively killing all our crew members. ZackBacon would then start sending threatening messages to us. ZackBacon would also sieged us about 5 times along with the 5 times ROME sieged us in the same night.
Gruffu was with ROME in this siege and he would also excessively kill our members along with ZackBacon. Griffu also would send us threatening messages and would not stop harassing us. A few hours after everything had happened and everyone had finally left he just popped up in our base along with ZackBacon to siege us once again.(I will tell you how we think he got into our base this time in a minuate)
Finally PhenixyFlame. While the entire siege was going on she would not shut up. She kept teling us to give up to ROME, and hand the land over or she will get involved next time. She called us poor multiple times along with making fun of us for not being able to defend ourselves against 10 players that got into our base due to an exploited glitch. We asked her to stop talking but she kept talking to us even though we had asked her multiple times to stop talkin.
After all the sieges were over all the players were hanging out in our base. They stayed in the base for around 3 hours and we asked them to leave about 20 times but they just kept saying no and to hand over the base(as show above). And the erason we believe Griffu got back into our base and sieged us again with ZackBacon is because they set home in our base. We believed every player involved set a home inside our base and we would appreciate it if staff checked and would remove any set homes they put in our base.
Also due to the actions of certain players on this server several of my friends have temporarily quit or permanently quit the server, due o the harrasment and threat levels by the players. It makes them not want to come back on PMC.
May 6, 2020 at 6:09 pm #66526I just want to say, ROME is super extra, and very pathetic how extra they are. <span style=”background-color: #fbfbfb;”><span style=”color: #696b6e; font-family: open sans, helvetica neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;”><span style=”font-size: 15px;”>ZackBacon used a exploit to get inside our base, by epearling into the ground, and glitching through. Everyone in ROME Tped to Zackbacon to get into my base. Another thing I should mention, is how toxic the discord server is. I don’t believe anyone would want to be in that server if everyone is just going to harass you and call you names. Staff should do something about that. If you have a problem with this, do something? Don’t just talk trash, do something, and apparently I’m “poor” lol. I don’t understand? If I’m so “poor” why do people like Nationalistic, and Capper, and everyone at ROME, have to pull up on me? If I’m so poor, then what would you get out of me? Wooden tools? Atleast I got a frosty sword and extra armor. I wouldn’t be surprised if the captains set a home in my base, Griffu, zackbackon, cosmictaco. I also would like to say some people on pirate craft have the biggest mouth, Nationalistic, Capper, Morph, PhenixyFlame. I’ve never seen so much negativity before. I mean everyone has issues, but don’t smear it in other peoples faces. Anyway, </span></span></span><span style=”background-color: #fbfbfb;”><span style=”color: #696b6e; font-family: open sans, helvetica neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;”><span style=”font-size: 15px;”>Hardeharher was harassing me, and threatening me about coming to my base, which I didn’t care, and was the person that started this whole thing.</span></span></span>
Blocks have been claimed by ROME around my base, which NEED to be removed, because I was just about to expand the base.
And also, the people harassing Empire on discord are very low people, if you got a problem, do something. Pull up, its not like people already have set homes in our base.
And why you harassing a poor person?
Been trapping noobs since 1780.
May 6, 2020 at 6:10 pm #66527I just want to say, ROME is super extra, and very pathetic how extra they are. ZackBacon used a exploit to get inside our base, by epearling into the ground, and glitching through. Everyone in ROME Tped to Zackbacon to get into my base. Another thing I should mention, is how toxic the discord server is. I don’t believe anyone would want to be in that server if everyone is just going to harass you and call you names. Staff should do something about that. If you have a problem with this, do something? Don’t just talk trash, do something, and apparently I’m “poor” lol. I don’t understand? If I’m so “poor” why do people like Nationalistic, and Capper, and everyone at ROME, have to pull up on me? If I’m so poor, then what would you get out of me? Wooden tools? Atleast I got a frosty sword and extra armor. I wouldn’t be surprised if the captains set a home in my base, Griffu, zackbackon, cosmictaco. I also would like to say some people on pirate craft have the biggest mouth, Nationalistic, Capper, Morph, PhenixyFlame. I’ve never seen so much negativity before. I mean everyone has issues, but don’t smear it in other peoples faces. Anyway, Hardeharher was harassing me, and threatening me about coming to my base, which I didn’t care, and was the person that started this whole thing.
Blocks have been claimed by ROME around my base, which NEED to be removed, because I was just about to expand the base.
And also, the people harassing Empire on discord are very low people, if you got a problem, do something. Pull up, its not like people already have set homes in our base.
And why you harassing a poor person?
Been trapping noobs since 1780.
May 6, 2020 at 6:12 pm #66528I just want to say, ROME is super extra, and very pathetic how extra they are. ZackBacon used a exploit to get inside our base, by epearling into the ground, and glitching through. Everyone in ROME Tped to Zackbacon to get into my base. Another thing I should mention, is how toxic the discord server is. I don’t believe anyone would want to be in that server if everyone is just going to harass you and call you names. Staff should do something about that. If you have a problem with this, do something? Don’t just talk trash, do something, and apparently I’m “poor” lol. I don’t understand? If I’m so “poor” why do people like Nationalistic, and Capper, and everyone at ROME, have to pull up on me? If I’m so poor, then what would you get out of me? Wooden tools? Atleast I got a frosty sword and extra armor. I wouldn’t be surprised if the captains set a home in my base, Griffu, zackbackon, cosmictaco. I also would like to say some people on pirate craft have the biggest mouth, Nationalistic, Capper, Morph, PhenixyFlame. I’ve never seen so much negativity before. I mean everyone has issues, but don’t smear it in other peoples faces. Anyway, Hardeharher was harassing me, and threatening me about coming to my base, which I didn’t care, and was the person that started this whole thing.
Blocks have been claimed by ROME around my base, which NEED to be removed, because I was just about to expand the base.
And also, the people harassing Empire on discord are very low people, if you got a problem, do something. Pull up, its not like people already have set homes in our base.
And why you harassing a poor person?
Been trapping noobs since 1780.
May 6, 2020 at 6:14 pm #66529I just want to say, ROME is super extra, and very pathetic how extra they are. ZackBacon used a exploit to get inside our base, by epearling into the ground, and glitching through. Everyone in ROME Tped to Zackbacon to get into my base. Another thing I should mention, is how toxic the discord server is. I don’t believe anyone would want to be in that server if everyone is just going to harass you and call you names. Staff should do something about that. If you have a problem with this, do something? Don’t just talk trash, do something, and apparently I’m “poor” lol. I don’t understand? If I’m so “poor” why do people like Nationalistic, and Capper, and everyone at ROME, have to pull up on me? If I’m so poor, then what would you get out of me? Wooden tools? Atleast I got a frosty sword and extra armor. I wouldn’t be surprised if the captains set a home in my base, Griffu, zackbackon, cosmictaco. I also would like to say some people on pirate craft have the biggest mouth, Nationalistic, Capper, Morph, PhenixyFlame. I’ve never seen so much negativity before. I mean everyone has issues, but don’t smear it in other peoples faces. Anyway, Hardeharher was harassing me, and threatening me about coming to my base, which I didn’t care, and was the person that started this whole thing. <span style=”background-color: rgba(4, 4, 5, 0.07); color: #dcddde; font-family: Whitney, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; white-space: break-spaces;”>Blocks have been claimed by ROME around my base, which NEED to be removed, because I was just about to expand the base.</span>
<span style=”color: #dcddde; font-family: Whitney, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; white-space: break-spaces; background-color: rgba(4, 4, 5, 0.07);”> And also, the people harassing Empire on discord are very low people, if you got a problem, do something. Pull up, its not like people already have set homes in our base. And why you harassing a poor person? Been trapping noobs since 1780.</span>
May 6, 2020 at 6:21 pm #66531<span style=”color: #696b6e; font-family: ‘open sans’, ‘helvetica neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;”>I just want to say, ROME is super extra, and very pathetic how extra they are. ZackBacon used a exploit to get inside our base, by epearling into the ground, and glitching through. Everyone in ROME Tped to Zackbacon to get into my base. Another thing I should mention, is how toxic the discord server is. I don’t believe anyone would want to be in that server if everyone is just going to harass you and call you names. Staff should do something about that. If you have a problem with this, do something? Don’t just talk trash, do something, and apparently I’m “poor” lol. I don’t understand? If I’m so “poor” why do people like Nationalistic, and Capper, and everyone at ROME, have to pull up on me? If I’m so poor, then what would you get out of me? Wooden tools? Atleast I got a frosty sword and extra armor. I wouldn’t be surprised if the captains set a home in my base, Griffu, zackbackon, cosmictaco. I also would like to say some people on pirate craft have the biggest mouth, Nationalistic, Capper, Morph, PhenixyFlame. I’ve never seen so much negativity before. I mean everyone has issues, but don’t smear it in other peoples faces. Anyway, Hardeharher was harassing me, and threatening me about coming to my base, which I didn’t care, and was the person that started this whole thing.</span>
Blocks have been claimed by rome, which needs to be removed, I was just about to expand the base.
The people harassing Empire on discord are low bums, and need to get a life. If you have a problem pull up at my base, or your just scared.
Why you harassing a “poor” person?
Been trapping noobs since 1701, P.S. you can’t grapple hook out of my traps. Lol
May 6, 2020 at 6:22 pm #66532if possiblw, you should go back through your chat logs and screenshots to find proof of these occurences. if you go through chat logs you can find timestamps of when the sieges occurred, who died, when, and to whom. and just general gathering evidence that these players did in fact send threatening messages and threats to you. go around your claims with a stick to find other claims and screenshot it. without even a single timestamp here, the staff have been sent on a wild goose chase looking for proof of this happening. if you need help looking for your chat logs, find me on discord and i can give a quick how-to (if youre on windows i can, anything else you may have to google it)
bottom line is, you need to give evidence of these events, else this report will be seen as butthurt and complaining.
If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*
- Former Leader of CoV -
- A Proud Member of The Asylum-May 6, 2020 at 6:23 pm #66533As much as I Hate ROME I see only Cosmic and Zack breaking rules. They should be punished yes but I don’t know about the others.
The Clown (on leave until further notice)
May 6, 2020 at 6:29 pm #66534Most of what you say here is so incorrect or weakly founded, it would take a long time for me to detail it all. Heres just a few things in this report I want to respond to:
1. Players cannot /sethome in bases that they don’t have trust to. Have you never heard of a /back, or someone logging inside the base?
2. You provided no evidence of such a glitch (no screenshots, videos, etc).
3. You provided no evidence of anything you complained about, such as the supposed “extreme harassment” or anything else(no screenshots, videos, etc).
4. There seems to be a lot of <b>subjectiveness</b> here, such as “this guy made me upset”. Your feelings don’t matter as much as the facts here. And due to the utter absence of any facts or evidence in your report, it comes out sounding like you are just complaining and butthurt.
5. You guys sound like some very butthurt kids (I’ve seen your previous forum posts, and this seems the case). Incase you didn’t know, this server is PirateCraft not PrincessCraft. If you and your members want to quit because of the “threat levels by the players”, maybe this isn’t the right server for you. Raiding, “threatening”, and sieging are apart of the server. Honestly, take your entitled-ness and annoyingness somewhere else.
~ Leader of the Imperial Roman Empire ~
- Former Sith Knight of the Eternal Sith Empire -
- Former Lord of the Valyrian Freehold
- Former member of Titan's Hand -"Nobody can touch my swag"
May 6, 2020 at 7:10 pm #66535Lego has staff proof with screenshots and video of what occurred, but I’ll tell what happened.
idk wtf Rome was doing, but these guys put me in a tp trap and I was killing them through the slab hole Bc they set it up where I stood on slabs and they hit my feet through a half block hole on all sides, so I was killing them, and I had Rome siege them, and while under siege I killed empire_gaming thus winning the siege, and was able to ender pearl out of the tp trap and tp Rome into their base.
at no point did I “glitch” anywhere.
this is just a sad accusation to try and get a player banned for doing nothing except playing the server and trying to have a fun time.
Prepare for the worst, Hope for the best.
May 6, 2020 at 7:10 pm #66536it seems people keep using HTML tags instead of BB codes which I find a bit odd but eh whatever
Election Commissioner of the British Empire
May 6, 2020 at 7:41 pm #66537You clearly haven’t listened to lego’s advice…
May 6, 2020 at 7:41 pm #66538You clearly haven’t listened to lego’s advice stewie…
May 7, 2020 at 12:37 am #66542I personally don’t like how Rome uses harassments and threatening to get what they want. Its not cool when you send messed up messages or threats to players in private chat its bullying on another level. Sure you can say ha ha your loosing or things like that ,but taking as far as to threaten to come back everyday to a players claim to just siege them is harassment! I had it happen when Rome sieged me multiple times in 1 day.
Also the threatening and telling people to give you there base is not cool.
Also claiming land around another players base its not acceptable. You did this to Isen when you attacked and staff corrected you on the spot for that. I understand you removed the claim afterwards but setting a claim putting bedspawns and things of that nature to make a player feel bullied is taking it way to far and yall should be ashamed of yourselves.
In general your starting to get into hot water like you did with Isen.
If you just did a siege and then got stuff and then left people that would be fine but you use /backs into players bases and keep harassing them and using those same /backs to siege a player again is very uncool and a dick move.
I’m saying this from experience Rome doesn’t have the highest quality of people in it. You encourage camping harassment and other things that the game did not intend.
For example a leader in your crew Mojake used /sethomes to attack, kill, harass, siege, and grief Isens lands multiple times. Eventually staff found out and had him and his little dweeb friend banned. That serves them right. My only question is why would you allow players to do this. Its bad leadership on your Part Cosmic and Golden you are not exactly doing a great job of inspiring members to play the game fair.
Cheap shots and dirty tricks wont win you any friends. You will loose more and more. Its pretty well known that Rome and more specifically the 2 leaders Cosmic and Golden have big egos that feel the need to make everyone else feel down in the dumps.
As for glitching or other things not my area of experience.
Why you cant siege people and loose and then leave is beyond me. It seems you keep at it until A. you make the players being sieged feel depressed angry and or B. You do dick moves like Mass Griefing of land or Claiming land around other peoples bases just to mess with them.
As I said before you gonna have to change your ways or be forced to change.
“I don’t like bullies, I don’t care where there from” -Captain America
May 8, 2020 at 8:08 am #66565First of all I’d clarify that I’m in no way involved in this situation but I feel like point out a few things since I’m concerned by the current state of the server.
Don’t just talk trash, do something, and apparently I’m “poor” lol. I don’t understand? If I’m so “poor” why do people like Nationalistic, and Capper, and everyone at ROME, have to pull up on me? If I’m so poor, then what would you get out of me? Wooden tools? Atleast I got a frosty sword and extra armor. I wouldn’t be surprised if the captains set a home in my base, Griffu, zackbackon, cosmictaco. I also would like to say some people on pirate craft have the biggest mouth, Nationalistic, Capper, Morph, PhenixyFlame. I’ve never seen so much negativity before. I mean everyone has issues, but don’t smear it in other peoples faces.
I’ve never bashed you for being “poor”, and even then, if you can’t take such a weak insult on a minecraft server then I suggest you to play something else. Besides that, the whole point of this server is being a pirate, pirates raided and looted so what’s wrong with that? You’re asking why would I raid you if you’re so poor? Well, it’s fun and since /siege is absolutely terrible at the moment as in it won’t let you raid people with some sort of experience on the server because all you need is a 10×10 claim or higher surrounded by stone walls to be pretty much siege proof.
if possiblw, you should go back through your chat logs and screenshots to find proof of these occurences. if you go through chat logs you can find timestamps of when the sieges occurred, who died, when, and to whom.
This wouldn’t be evidence as chat longs can be tinkered.
I personally don’t like how Rome uses harassments and threatening to get what they want. Its not cool when you send messed up messages or threats to players in private chat its bullying on another level
What’s up with everyone calling eachother “bullies” on minecraft? If someone is stronger than you and you don’t want to perish, get better at the game and fight back lol, or you can always quit the server. When I first joined I used to get raided on the daily by veteran players with better equipment and resources, did I ever cry like a kid on the forums? No, I just made my way to the top by getting better at the game, and that’s what everyone should do instead of giving staffers pointless hassles
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