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  • #4094
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    So I have this chest with all my ore, ingots, diamonds, coal etc. and I always put a nether rack brick on top of it when I’m not using it, it is also in a protected area. So when I got on today I saw that their was no block on it and when I opened it up all it had in it was some glow stone. I don’t know how someone would have stolen stuff out of it. I had about 50 diamonds in it, 4 stacks of redstone blocks, 2 stacks of iron blocks, half a stack of gold blocks, and 2 stacks of coal blocks. Is their anyway for me to see who took the stuff out of it, or anything you guys could do?


    Thanks, Lstace.

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    Nope, we don’t track specific block changes like that, most of the time its because people forget to put the block back on top! Check out trust list with /trustlist to see whos trusted in that claim, if you 100% remember putting it back on, you got backstabbed!

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    It totally wasn’t me :3

    <span style=”background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);”></span>

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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