Rivvur Unban Appeal

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  • #62127
    • Topics: 13
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    I am posting this unban appeal on the behalf of River since she is banned from the website.

    Current Username: Rivvur
    Username when banned: Rivvur
    UUID: https://mcuuid.net/?q=rivvur
    Your punishment tracker link: https://bans.piratemc.com/index.php?action=viewplayer&player=Rivvur&server=0
    Banned By: GodsDead

    Unban Appeal:
    Over all the years I’ve played video games, I never have been so compelled to play a Minecraft server more than PirateCraft. When I first logged on around 4 years ago, everyone on the server was so welcoming and helpful. Between fighting Crusaders of the Void with Solis, joining the Asylum, and then breaking away to help form the Coalition, Piratecraft has provided me with a whole arsenal of good memories with friends. Since the money incident and accepting my ban, I have had time to think over my actions and what damage I did to others in the process of my perusal of power. Contrary to my previous actions, I have matured, would like to apologize for my actions, and request an gracious un-banning.

    When I received a deserving permaban on 16 September 2018, I lost a main hub of communication with many of my friends. I didn’t recognise how much PirateCraft meant to me before I was banned. I had this mindset of not caring about anything, and that led me to throw away over 3 years of friendships and fun. If I come back, I will be an outstanding member of the community again, like I once was before I took a wrong turn. While some of you might not believe me, over these 8 months I have reconsidered my attitude towards everyone, and matured as a person. In my local community, I took up community service work and that really brought a new perspective to my life on how I should treat others. I really didn’t take the whole “treat others as you want to be treated” thing seriously until recently. I believe I am ready to come back and provide a positive impact to the PirateCraft community.

    TLDR: To everyone that has played PirateCraft and doesn’t know what I participated in, basically I was very immature and did some ridiculous stuff. I helped damage the economy by adding thousands in an illegal way and boosted my position in the progress. I was power hungry and would do anything to get it, and did not think about the repercussions that would follow. During my time off I have greatly matured to become a better person, and I hope maybe one day PirateCraft can see that side of me again.

    SIncerely, River

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