[Request/Suggestion]: Consolidated Rule List

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    I was wondering if in some way there could be a consolidated rule list combining some of the more detailed/specific rules that aren’t explicitly stated under rules (special cases that might appear in other forum posts but are not common knowledge). Basically meaning that someone got banned or warned for doing something not stated, it could be added as an example underneath the general rule (Rules 1-12). Like “hey, here’s the general rule and specifically don’t do this ______”

    Chiroptera419 and I ran into this issue a few days ago using a redstone torch on the end of a boat to open a door in claimed area. Under Rule #9: Use common sense, we figured that – if it was okay to use a boat to get over walls, or to attach to claimed ships and take them, that to open a door with one would be in the same category and therefore allowed. But it definitely is not. While it could logically fall under Rule #7: Abuse Game Mechanics, currently nothing is mentioned about ships and again, if 2 uses of ships in claimed land are allowed, we didn’t see why the 3rd wouldn’t be. This was still our mistake and take full responsibilities for our actions and sincerely apologize to Dr_Thrax, but someone else might be able to learn from it and it could be helpful in that way.

    Certainly all players could benefit from a consolidated rule list so that mistakes like these are not repeated, by combining all of these special cases into one forum post (or even under the rule list).This would be especially convenient for rules specific to this server regarding game mechanics.

    Thank you for your time

    – dpex81

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    Reasons are given when the punishment is set, and you can see a history of every players, for instance, lets look at yours


    Here we can clearly see you have been previously muted for language, swearing, being rude etc and another warning for abusing game mechanics, abusing the mechanics of the game to bend them to your own needs. This is fine as it is.

    There is ALSO is a player written rules page on the wiki, this is actually linked on the main rulepage http://wiki.piratemc.com/Rules if you wanted to add any then feel free anybody can edit this page, if its good enough itll be added to the main page.

    If you have any doubt at all, if any SPECIFIC thing you are trying to do is against the rules or not, then you should ask in the forums, and it will be answered.


    As for your specific punishment @Smokeyriver set you that punishment for abusing game mechanics so I will let her reply, I wasn’t around so I cant answer you fully.

    From my perspective ships were added to scale walls in a siege not to place redstone torches to open doors, You are nit picking the rules for doing something you know is really sketchy way of using ships, the rules are vauge on purpose, NOT to write down specific examples. we cannot write down every specific incident that could be possible in minecraft, the parameters are endless, utterly endless, your very specific example of cheating falls under abusing game mechanics, you used a Ship to place a redstone torch in someone elses claim, thereby both griefing their claim and exploiting the use of ships, that is why you were given a warning, to tell you not to do that. The rules by default ARE consolidated, as they cover everything without having to be extremely specific because of people like you that try and get around rules “But it didnt say so in the rules so by default I can do it”. No buddy, you cheat your way in you will be warned, you keep trying to find ways to bend around the rules “just because it isnt written” and the punishments will line up on you.

    Smokey River
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    If we specifically said every damn rule it could take pages. The idea of the general rules is to use common sense. Like “hey maybe since iron doors protect in a claim, it is not right to bypass them.”
    Law enforcement doesn’t have a rule saying don’t beat the crap out of someone with a fish but you know not to do it.
    If anything done bypasses a KNOWN plugin on the server such as grief prevention (i.e. Claims) then its against the rules. We don’t need to break them down it is impossible for us. I don’t want to have to babysit with a law book in one hand and a hammer in the other.

    Butt-hurt and Complaining


    I solemnly swear I am up to no good.


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