Request to remove claims

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  • #68655
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    My Username: Capt_Lugnut
    Coordinates: x-801, -825, z361, 390
    Claim owner: Coldat
    Time the Claim owner has been offline: current and active
    Claim Size: 25×30 150 blocks
    Reason: It doesn’t respect the server rules. It’s an empty claim. It a bit close to my claim, but that could have been on me. I don’t know how long it’s been there. Edit: I did try to PM him today to see if we could “work something out”, but got no reply back. Which is why I’m here bugging you.

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    sabrina (lazydog11)
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    i see why he claimed it talk to coldat ingame when you get the change

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    I tried to 3 times today, but was just ignored. I’ll try again, if you think that will help. I did find a way to access that reason via underground tunnels, and unbelievably, there was still loot in the chests. So yeah, I’m pretty certain he’s done nothing with that area. My thanks for looking into it though.

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    It is not an empty claim, it is a dual zombie spawner.  I am in the middle of working out a deal to sell one of my other grinders so that I may focus on transforming this one into a grinder.  I checked on the area last week and your claim was nowhere near it.  So, I guess I am confused as to why my claim and its location are a problem now?  Feel free to message me on discord at Coldat#5920, this is the best way to get in contact with me.


    Thank you & have a great day.


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    By “empty” I thought that meant no player built structures, or improvements, as in a homesteading. It looks pretty empty from above, I’ve never seen any activity over there. I was not aware there were TWO spawners there. I’d be reluctant to let that go too.
    “nowhere near it”? It’s only 1.5 chunks diagonally away from the corner of the original structure that I built back in March. Well, At least I got a chance to ask you about it. Now I know how to progress. I really hope I like my new roommate.

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