Report of the Hattawi's

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    where is the proof though?

    they admitted to previously using hacks, and have said they stopped after recieveing warnings, a straight tunnel unfortunaetly isnt proof of xray,

    I use the same techniques if im trying to raid someone.

    with regards to the being invisible thing- i’ve looked into it, i have also witnessed them brewing invisibilty potions, and  witnessed them drinking them, and it expiring. i dont believe for a second that was a hack.

    with regards to having an unclaimed building griefed, then im affrraid thats poor planning on your part, using a stick you can see claimed areas, it wouldnt take a genius to find out the obvious places to try digging to get in.

    without real video evidence of these guys hacking we are going by your words, we cant just ban people cos you guys say so.

    until we have real footage of them hacking we have to play this a little more fairly.


    i know there is gonna be all sorts of sulking from my response, but its as frustrating for us as it is you guys when people genuinely do ruin the game for others



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    Ok heres the roundup.

    I can see that they were xraying, but there is no proof to flying, or any of the other bits ive picked out from the gigantic wall of stories!

    There are 3 seperate plugins that kick people if they try to fly.

    Im not even sure what Im supose to be looking for in the videos of them? There just PVP battles??

    Invisible can be done via potions.

    Deleting claims, Highly doubt this, they would need admin privilages, maybe the Mysql server was down when the server restarted? The map is not a reliable way to check chaims, its slow to update.

    They said they were not using hacks? And no you wil not be getting items, please read the rules, you need to calm down.

    I need a solid list, not a wall of story that describes exactly what they are doing, so far I have proof of.

    • X-raying

    I sent (a while ago) an official email to the <span id=”player_name”>hattawi team asking for a responce within 48 hours, they have not responded to my emails or in-game questions.

    We will be looking into this further, please keep this thread updated, and please keep calm.

    This situation will be fixed, we just need solid proof.

    Remember you can keep track of bans etc via the punishment tracker.



    Alex Lazescu
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    Btw, that confession clarifies that they DID hack, and it should arouse suspicion as to if they have actually stopped, I honestly doubt they were telling the truth when they said they stopped hacking.

    More screenshots, this time of them burning my protected dock, and glitching through my glass panes in order to hit me and Assasin, in some of these pictures, hattawi_ is practically in the house already, but cannot advance, due to the glass struggling to reform and move him back. This is proof of another broken rule, glitching with claims.



    BTW FORGOT TO ADD: Click on the Picture to be sent to to see the rest.

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

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    Hacking hattawis glitching and walking through glass and hitting me through it.

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    Massive Man O War Builder

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    What a coincidence..

    Massive Man O War Builder

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    A raid happening on jellebrick i tped to him to get some good evidence against the hattawis. Two of which clearly show them flying.

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    Massive Man O War Builder

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    I just came back from having left the server for a month because of people like the Hattawi’s!

    Maybe I should just return to not playing PirateCraft anymore, because this is becoming really really annoying.
    Everytime I join I check if the Hattawi’s are online. If they are online I don’t want to continue building, because there’s a good chance they pop up from nowhere and take my stuff.

    Gods, maybe they aren’t hacking, but doesn’t it matter that everyone feels bad about them being here? Everybody feels some kind of hate towards them and I think that is more important than proof of hacking.

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    Ok, I am done here. I don’t feel like ever returning until those arseholes are gone.

    I can’t take this bs anymore. All I want to do is enjoy the community, build the stuff I want to build and share it with you!
    I don’t want to have to look a the map every few minutes or react to their threats!

    Can’t you bloody see the Hattawi’s need to be removed?? Is it that difficult to filter the people who only enjoy the server for causing as much ‘pain’ as they possible can out from the people who love PirateCraft for the fun of creating a Pirate world with interesting cities and ships full of people to share a  fun experience with?

    Even wars can be fun, it adds a something interesting, but this is so unpersonal, useless and on such a large scale…
    It is impossible to do anything without them trying to destroy what you’ve been working on for so long!

    Oh and keep the “But it’s a pirate server…” argument out of this, for fucks sake! This obviously is not about Piracy here.
    This is about a bunch of heartless people who intend to break this communtiy.

    I am angry that certain people clearly don’t understand what effect leaving the Hattawi’s in this game has (had) and will have.
    Trust me, you are a great friend, Gods, but the decision of doing nothing to prevent people like this to ruin PirateCraft is wrong!

    I tried diplomacy, I tried fighting them. If none of that works I have nothing left to do here.


    Ps. Someone got raided tonight. (see picture)

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    I too am leaving until you remove their bitch asses. I can’t even craft without looking over my fucking shoulder. What annoys me most of all is they don’t do it for the loot they just enjoy making others angry and miserable all while  ruining the server for them. Do not ever expect to see me back unless you remove the vile assholes they are or at least somehow simmer them down.

    I realize this is a pirate server but repeatably targeting and harassing players for enjoyment is beyond asshole material or fair to the fellow players . I can never even do anything, I try to build a boat its burned down within the hour. I try to craft something in my house I have to run because they are raiding it! This constant harassment and bullying is BULLSHIT. Your staff and rules are useless if you do not enforce them or use them.

    This is a great and one of a kind server full of great people and unfortunately the Hattawis just want to watch it burn. Do not expect to see me back.

    Sincerely the Sad and Faithful Assasin876

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    Massive Man O War Builder

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    Like me and reaper have already said, we do not ban people because they are good at PVP and work in a team, Nobody in this thread has mentioned at all, in CLEAR wording that they feel they are being harassed/bullied, this entire thread has been talking about hacking with very little proof and loads of drama (Which I loath).


    “Two of which clearly show them flying.”

    None of your screenshots, is anybody flying, let alone clearly.

    I am getting fed up with drama, We act on facts, and facts alone. How many times do I have to repeat myself?


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    Rule number 3: No hacking, cheating or exploiting glitches.

    fact 1: they hacked

    fact 2: they are using game glitches now

    They even showed you the glitches they are using. How much proof/facts do you need?

    Ships are safe in port, but thats not what ships are made for

    Alex Lazescu
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    Gods, I posedt the screenshots of them glitching through the windows in my house, to attack me and Assasin, there has to be something for that.

    (Click on the picture to be sent to and see the rest)

    The only reason I haven’t left yet is because I love this community, and it pains me to see them suffer, and I can not abandon them to the Hattawis.. (Brethren, rise and fight! Fists do damage toooo! )


    Also, I have some more screenshots. Hattawi_M did not recently spawn in these pictures, his spawn is inside his sand base. Also, even if he did, the fly/spawn glitch doesnt make you fly that high, only levitate 1, 2 blocks off the ground..


    Also: the Hattawis burning in claimed land… which supports what I had said earlier about them ignoring claims. No, they could not have started the fire in the log cabin, because as you see that one isnt burned.

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    Now, the flying picks..  hes also hitting me from very far away… you have to look closely in some, in others, its not too hard to see where he is flying.

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    And here, we have Hattawi_A, ringleader of the Tingling Hattawi Brothers Circus, admitting that he is abusing glitches, in fact the very glitch I screened him for. Not that confessions count for anything though as we have learned, and no Gods, I will not calm down, these guys are destroying this beautiful community!

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    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

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    Shall we review rules 1,3 and 7?

    Massive Man O War Builder

    Crazy Pirate
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    Did I not say that while on holiday, I wante the sever to  refrain from getting ruined? Is it really that damn hard? Guys, I’m using coffe shop wifi, do here it is in a nutshell. The admins can ban if you don’t like someone. They bann when mods, cheats or hacks have been used, and there is concrete, unbreakable evidence, which this threa is lacking. So I suggest you all team up, throw away old differences, Allie everyone against them, and kick there asses. The server holds 50 damn players, and I know that everyone hates the hattawis, do how hard is it just to team up and kill them, instead of  wallying around and moaning on this thread.

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    Crazy, I am sure you remember Jaw and Rhino.  Was it easy to get them to leave by fighting them? Do you recall any of that?

    This is no diferent.

    Nobody even gets the chance to care about “Old Differences”, because we are all trying to keep the Hattawi’s away.
    You being on holiday means you have no idea what’s going on, so I’d suggest you keep your nose out of this.

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